Enter the email address on file with Holy Trinity. Select username and password. Click “back to login screen” and enter the information sent to your email. If you do not receive an email from htrinity.myschoolapp.com, please check your junk/spam folder then contact parentportal@htrinity.org
The Parent Portal allows parents to check on their student's academic progress and verify household information throughout the year. Together, the staff and parents can work to ensure every student's success.
The Infinite Campus Parent Portal gives parents access to important information about their children's education. The Parent Portal allows parents to check on their student's academic progress and verify household information throughout the year. Together, the staff and parents can work to ensure every student's success.
Howitt’s school store, The Lion's Den, is open for business and new inventory has just arrived! They are selling holiday items, Daler gear, school supplies, and various novelty items.
Installing the Infinite Campus mobile device app from the Apple Store or Google Play will allow parents to view Backpack (Report Cards) from their smart phones.
First time users must contact your child's school for instructions on how to obtain an activation key.