howland middle school parent portal

by Mr. Porter Connelly DDS 8 min read

What is the address for Howland local schools?

Howland Local Schools 8200 South St. SE Warren, Ohio OH 44484 330-856-8200 330-856-8214

Does Howland local schools provide Chromebooks to students?

Howland Local Schools provides a Chromebook to every student in grades 5-12. That's the number of CCP, AP, and Honors courses offered to students at Howland High School.

How do I view my child's grades and attendance?

Parent Access enables you to view your child's grades and daily attendance. If you have any questions or need any assistance please contact your child's school counselor. To view your child's grades and attendance, click here.

What is the Howland state champion boys soccer team?

The Howland State Champion boys soccer team was honored January 27, 2021 by the Eastwood Mall and Cafaro Foundation for winning the state championship last November. The Tigers beat Tipp City Tippecanoe 5-0 in the Division II title game.


How to find student ID number in school?

If you are new to the district and do not know your student's ID number, log in first to Final Forms. Click on the Edit button. The student ID number will appear under your child's name.

What is the school code for PowerSchool?

For PowerSchool, if you are using the Power School Mobile App our School Code is SJXQ.

Can the public view the staff intranet?

This is a secure Staff Intranet content page and cannot be viewed by the public. Please contact your Technology Director to gain access to the Staff Intranet area in order to view this page.
