iacademy parent portal

by Miss Verdie Russel 9 min read

What is iACADEMY?

What is iAcademy? iAcademy is a unique approach to public education through a hybrid of time spent learning in class and at home. The best of both worlds, flexibility is built into the fabric of the program. Parents choose which aspects will most benefit their student and create a customized learning plan with the instructor.

What is Internet Academy?

We are Internet Academy. We are Washington State’s FIRST 100% online public school, specializing in building lasting relationships with our students and delivering meaningful and rigorous courses in a 100% online learning environment. We are a complete K-12 school and are a part of the Federal Way School District.

Is ia a K-12 school?

We are a complete K-12 school and are a part of the Federal Way School District. Enrollment is open to EVERY Washington State family and is 100% tuition-free for most students; you do not have to live in Federal Way to become an iA student.

Who is eligible to enroll in an online course with icademy?

Students enrolled in a public local district or public school academy in any of grades 6 to 12 are also eligible to enroll in an online course with iCademy. SPECIAL NOTICE: iCademy Global will be sharing out any COVID related statistics through our COVID-19 Dashboard .


Interested in a Zoom Meeting or Phone call?

We would love the opportunity to chat more about what iCademy could look like for YOUR family!

There is nothing better

That little light that pops on. That smile. That hint that after some work, your child is starting to understand. Their knowledge increases, their world opens up and so does their confidence.

Personalized Support

iCademy Global partners with families to help students reach their full potential. We provide a more flexible education option with virtual live lessons, curriculum variety and personalized attention between teachers and students.

More than a Virtual Community

Beyond the virtual engagement of our classes, students can gather in the same physical location for planned Synergy Sessions with other staff and students, participate in a Community Passport option close to home, become a member of our high school robotics team, enjoy time in Re:FUEL, our onsite coffee shop, attend Tech Center, dually enroll at a local college or university or participate in a class at the Outdoor Discovery Center..
