ic norcom parent portal

by Bernice Stiedemann 7 min read

Why choose IC Norcom High School?

The mission of I.C. Norcom High School is to provide a safe, educational setting where all students acquire a strong academic background and essential life skills needed to succeed in a global, technology-driven world. We seek the combined efforts and support of staff, students, parents, and community.

What is the iC campus portal?

The IC Campus Portal is a tool for schools and families to stay connected and engaged, as well as allow families to keep their student communication preferences updated. We are pleased to be able to offer this feature to all 9-R students and parents.

What is an IC Parent Portal account?

Parents should obtain an IC Parent Portal account which gives access to all of the above-listed information and services. The office of Student Information Services will create a Parent Portal account upon request

What is the parent portal and how do I use it?

Every parent and guardian can have a Parent Portal account which will give you access to the Student Information System for all of your students in your household. With the Parent Portal you can: For questions, contact the IC help desk at (916) 567-5819 or email icportal@natomasunified.org.


What is the role of parents in IC prep?

Parents are an essential partner in providing the best overall experience for students here at IC Catholic Prep.

What is the ICCP parents club?

The ICCP Parents Club has maintained a proud tradition of friendship and support by offering parents/guardians of ICCP students the opportunity to get acquainted through a number of social events and fundraisers that ultimately benefit ICCP and its students.

What is the ICCP booster club?

The ICCP Booster Club works with the high school administration and the Athletic Director to provide financial assistance and volunteer services in support of ICCP athletic programs.

What is the parents club at IC Catholic Prep?

The Parents Club provides ICCP Parents with a forum to meet, get acquainted, and become involved by sharing new ideas and talents. Our parents are our best advocates. We need you to help us spread the word about all the great things that our high school is doing.

When is the parent club meeting?

Parents Club meetings are held offsite at different locations on the second Thursday of each month. Our format provides a forum to meet, get acquainted and become involved by sharing new ideas and talents. 7:00 – 8:00 PM Meeting / 8:00 – 9:30 PM Socialize

Who can join IC Catholic Prep?

Membership is available to any parent or guardian of a student enrolled at IC Catholic Prep. A parent or guardian may join at any time during the school year. We encourage all parents to get involved!

Is quest ready to welcome you back to the cafeteria?

Quest is ready to welcome you back to the cafeteria! We have spent the summer preparing for safe openings that ensure the safety of our guests and our employees. Click below for more information surrounding the safety measures we are implementing in all our kitchens and dining halls.
