icc parent portal

by Michelle Ullrich 6 min read

What is the parent portal?

The portal is a web-based program which allows parents/guardians 24/7 access to their child’s attendance, schedule and grades. Initially, the Parent Portal piloted with grades 7 & 9 students beginning at the start of the third quarter.

What is the Ichabod Crane Parent Portal?

As part of Ichabod Crane Central School District’s efforts to enhance communication with our families, we are pleased to be able to offer our Parent Portal to the parents/guardians of ICC students. The portal is a web-based program which allows parents/guardians 24/7 access to their child’s attendance, schedule and grades.

What is the Lincolnshire county council Parent Portal?

Welcome to the Lincolnshire County Council Parent Portal. The Portal allows parents or carers to apply for a school place and apply for free school meals via an online interface.

What is the ICCP parents club?

IC Catholic Prep draws students from over 40 communities. The Parents Club provides ICCP Parents with a forum to meet, get acquainted, and become involved by sharing new ideas and talents. Our parents are our best advocates. We need you to help us spread the word about all the great things that our high school is doing.


Parenting Plans 101

Identify your parenting Values and learn how to use them when communicating with your co-parent.

Coffee Talk

Coffee talk is a monthly blog that highlights and summarizes the latest research, developments and topics Family Court Professionals are talking about. Stay up to date.

What is the ICCP parents club?

The ICCP Parents Club has maintained a proud tradition of friendship and support by offering parents/guardians of ICCP students the opportunity to get acquainted through a number of social events and fundraisers that ultimately benefit ICCP and its students.

Is quest ready to welcome you back to the cafeteria?

Quest is ready to welcome you back to the cafeteria! We have spent the summer preparing for safe openings that ensure the safety of our guests and our employees. Click below for more information surrounding the safety measures we are implementing in all our kitchens and dining halls.

Where is CCS based?

CCS, which is based in London, draws on the worldwide resources of its members in the fight against commercial crime. More .... ICC Commercial Crime Services (CCS) is constantly monitoring the impact of COVID-19 on businesses, trade and the physical movement of people.

Can CCS be accessed by authorised persons?

The CCS systems may only be accessed by authorised persons. Unauthorised access might be considered a criminal act in certain jurisdictions. Welcome to CCS Web Portal. ICC Commercial Crime Services (CCS) is the anti-crime arm of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC).

Third Grade Collects Cereal Boxes for 100th Day of School

Third grade collected cereal boxes for the 100th day of school. The goal was 100, but students far surpassed that with a total of 309 boxes! The boxes are being donated to the Valatie Food Pantry and our school-based Backpack Program. Today, third grade students...

Middle School Honor Rolls – 2nd Quarter

We proudly announce the Ichabod Crane Middle School (grade 6-8) Honor Roll and High Honor Roll Students for the 2nd quarter of the 2021-2022 school year! Congratulations to them all!!! Grade 6-8 Honor Roll & High Honor Roll - 2nd Quarter of 2021-2022 See...

Message From Superintendent Guntlow – Feb. 9, 2022

Today, Governor Hochul announced that, while the indoor mask mandate for business will end tomorrow (Feb. 10, 2022), masks will still be required in certain settings, including schools. In early March, the state will make an assessment on mask protocols in schools...

Third Grade Collecting Boxes of Cereal

Third Grade is collecting boxes of cereal for the 100th day of school! Donations will benefit the Backpack Program and the local food pantry. Students will be collecting boxes until February 10.

Students Participate in Race to Read

The Primary School recently celebrated a "Race to Read" week during each class's library time! Race to Read is a special book distribution program generously sponsored by the Ichabod Crane PTA. Every student in the Primary School was given the opportunity to select a...

NYS Comptroller Releases Fiscal Stress Monitoring for 2021

The Ichabod Crane Central School District has received the 2021 Fiscal Stress Monitoring score. For the 8th consecutive year, the District has been rated by NYS OSC as “No Designation” in both Fiscal Stress and Environmental Stress. No Designation is the highest of 4...

Incoming Kindergarten Registration in February

Fall Incoming Kindergarten Open Registration is February 14-18 from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm and Feb. 22-25 from 9:00 am to 2:00 pm. Registration Packets are available for pickup at the primary school or can be downloaded off our website.

Where is Itawamba Community College located?

Itawamba Community College, formerly known as Itawamba Junior College, is a community college in the northeast section of the US state of Mississippi It has three locations, in Fulton, Belden and Tupelo, Mississippi. COVID 19 UPDATES AND RESOURCESMore Info.

Is Itawamba Community College an equal opportunity college?

Join the Alumni Association. College Publications. Athletics. Itawamba Community College is an equal opportunity institution. The College strictly prohibits discrimination in its educational programs and activities, employment practices and admissions processes on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, religion, ethnicity, ...

When will the ICC resume in person classes?

ICC will resume in-person classes on Thursday, June 10, 2021, for the Children First Program. Please contact ICC at 309-690-6900, to register for these classes. This is the only approved class for all cases pending in the 10th Circuit. Upon completion of the session, attendees will receive a certificate that must be filed with the court via eFileIL.

Where is Illinois Central College?

The program is a four-hour session held at Illinois Central College, Peoria Campus - Hickory Hall ( 5407 N. University, Peoria ). Evening and Saturday classes are available for your convenience. Participants must be present for the entire 4 hours. Late arrivals will not be admitted.

What time does Illinois Central College have a professional development program?

You can register by calling the Professional Development Institute (a division of Illinois Central College) at (309) 690-6900 between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. Monday through Thursday or between the hours of 8:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m. on Friday.

What is the purpose of Children First?

The goal of the Children First Program is to prepare parents for typical problems encountered during the proceedings process and help them be more aware of the needs of their children. Trained moderators lead the session and use videotaped dramas to initiate discussion about common situations.

Is Illinois Central College a non profit?

The Professional Development Institute, a division of Illinois Central College, is an authorized licensee of the Children First Foundation, a not-for-profit corporation, acting independently and not as an agent of the Tenth Judicial Circuit of Illinois.
