This page provides you with access to a range of information and resources—from IDEA’s academic calendar and student handbook to cafeteria menus and forms for school meals, uniforms, and immunizations. Los manuales en español para el año escolar 21-22 están siendo traducidos y estarán disponibles pronto.
The IDEA Hotline is designated for anonymous tips submissions regarding safety concerns, staff misconduct or child abuse. You can call the IDEA Hotline at 855-428-3561. You can also email
Enter the Access ID, Access Password, and Relationship for each student you wish to add to your Parent Account
IDEA Public Schools only offers transportation for IDEA Montopolis in Austin, and in the Rio Grande Valley, Southern Louisiana, and Permian Basin regions. Get specific details about transportation. Where can my child catch the school bus?
What is the typical start and end time for a school day at IDEA Public Schools?
The IDEA Hotline is designated for anonymous tips submissions regarding safety concerns, staff misconduct or child abuse. You can call the IDEA Hotline at 855-428-3561. You can also email