idea public school parent portal

by Mariah Quigley 3 min read

Is the idea application for the school year open?

Our Application for the School Year IS NOW OPEN! Interested in learning more about how you can support IDEA families and make an impact? From Pre-Kinder to 12th grade, IDEA Public Schools is focused on sending 100% of our kids to college. We serve Pre-K through 12th grade students across 9 regions, and we’re currently accepting new students.

How does idea public schools work for students?

Para facilitar el acceso a las calificaciones y la información de los estudiantes, IDEA Public Schools brinda a los padres acceso a su propia cuenta individual de padres en PowerSchool. Después de registrarse, puede unir a su cuenta a todos los estudiantes para los cuales tiene derechos parentales y legales.

What grade levels does idea public schools serve?

From Pre-Kinder to 12th grade, IDEA Public Schools is focused on sending 100% of our kids to college. We serve Pre-K through 12th grade students across 9 regions, and we’re currently accepting new students.

Does idea public schools offer transportation for Montopolis?

IDEA Public Schools only offers transportation for IDEA Montopolis in Austin, and in the Rio Grande Valley, Southern Louisiana, and Permian Basin regions. Get specific details about transportation. Where can my child catch the school bus?


Frequently Asked Questions

What is the typical start and end time for a school day at IDEA Public Schools?

Have A Question?

The IDEA Hotline is designated for anonymous tips submissions regarding safety concerns, staff misconduct or child abuse. You can call the IDEA Hotline at 855-428-3561. You can also email

How many schools will Idea be open in 2020?

IDEA is open to all students and will grow to 120 schools for the 2020-21 school year. For 14 years in a row, 100% of our seniors have been accepted to colleges and universities nationwide. By 2022, IDEA will educate more than 100,000 students across the country.

How many students will attend Idea in 2022?

66,000 STUDENTS. By 2022, IDEA will educate more than 100,000 students across the country. 120 SCHOOLS. IDEA is open to all students and will grow to 120 schools for the 2020-21 school year. 100% COLLEGE ACCEPTANCE. For 14 years in a row, 100% of our seniors have been accepted to colleges and universities nationwide.

Do IDEA schools have safety protocols?

All IDEA Public Schools campuses will CONTINUE to maintain current safety protocols, including conducting health screenings, mandating the wearing of masks at all times, ongoing sanitation procedures and observing social distancing.
