idoe parent portal

by Olga Barrows DVM 4 min read

What is the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) doing to iLearn?

Per the recommendations of the 2016 ISTEP+ Panel, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) is leveraging quality content from third-party item banks for use on ILEARN assessments. These item banks are accompanied by item specifications which will be utilized where alignment was confirmed by Indiana educators.

How do I sign into the Iowa education portal (edportal)?

The Enterprise A&A service will be used to sign you into the Iowa Education Portal (EdPortal). Mouse over "A&A Account" in the menu bar above and click "Sign-In." 1. Think you might have an A&A account? Forgot your user ID or password - start here 2. Create an Enterprise A&A Account - start here 3. How to request access to applications - start here

How many iLearn assessments does IDOE release each year?

In accordance with Indiana Code, IDOE releases 10 items from each grade-level ILEARN assessment every year. Released items are available in the Released Items Repository (RIR), Cambium Assessment, Inc.’s (CAI) simulated test delivery system.

How do I log in to the portal?

Enter your Account ID and password, click on “Account Details” (Do not press sign in). Enter the email and confirm email, verify both emails match. Save and continue on to the Portal.


What browsers are compatible with Iowa Education Portal?

Firefox, Chrome, and Internet Explorer 10 are compatible with the Iowa Education Portal. We recommend the use of Firefox or I.E. for EdInsight.

How to sign in to A&A portal?

Click on the “Sign In” tab found under the “A&A Account”. Enter your Account ID and password, click on “Account Details” (Do not press sign in). Enter the email and confirm email, verify both emails match. Save and continue on to the Portal.

Overview, Participation, and Scheduling

Indiana Learning Evaluation Assessment Readiness Network (ILEARN) is the summative accountability assessment for Indiana students in grades 3 through 8 and high school biology.

Sample Items, Scoring, and Reporting

In accordance with Indiana Code, IDOE releases 10 items from each grade-level ILEARN assessment every year. Released items are available in the Released Items Repository (RIR), Cambium Assessment, Inc.’s (CAI) simulated test delivery system. The items in the RIR may be used as sample assessments to familiarize students with test content and format.
