ignite danceworks parent portal

by Ada Stark DDS 8 min read


We take time to make sure both our culture and environment are Safe for our studio family members to attend classes & be around others – physically & mentally! This includes active anti-bullying procedures.


Family is important to us. We work hard to make your experience here amazing, offering a safe, healthy environment & supportive culture.

What is ignite academy?

As a partner in educating your student, Ignite Christian Academy comes alongside parents to offer your child experienced teachers, advisors, and support staff who customize education to meet the needs of your student in a way that is shaped by Christian faith.

Does ignite Christian Academy have a parent portal?

Ignite Christian Academy takes the busyness out of at-home learning by recording progress and student grades, while a parent portal system allows parents to easily monitor their student’s progress and overall grades. High school transcripts are available upon transfer or graduation.

Is Ignite Christian Academy accredited?

For all students who meet graduation requirements, Ignite Christian Academy offers a fully accredited high school diploma. In addition, optional cap-and-gown graduation ceremonies are held annually to give graduates the ability to share their accomplishment with their families and guests.
