illinois state parent portal

by Jerald Schowalter 9 min read

How do I make an online payment to Illinois State?

Online payments are made within the online student billing portal. Students can login through Authorized Users can login through the Authorized User Login available on our Homepage. Electronic Check – This method will process an electronic debit based on the account information entered.

How do I login to my Illinois State University account?

Students can login through Authorized Users can login through the Authorized User Login available on our Homepage. Electronic Check – This method will process an electronic debit based on the account information entered.

What is MyMy Illinois State?

My Illinois State. is the central location for Illinois State University's students, faculty, and staff, to quickly and easily access secure information and resources.

Is there a scam on Illinois State University student accounts?

There is currently a scam targeting international students. View more information about this scam here. Remember to never give your Illinois State University account sign on to anyone! If you have other questions about paying your account, please contact Student Accounts at (309) 438-5643

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All Kids

The All Kids Program offers healthcare coverage to children living in Illinois. For more information on All Kids, visit the All Kids Web site, or call the All Kids hotline at 1-866-ALL-KIDS (1-866-255-5437) (TTY: 1-866-675-8440).


FamilyCare offers healthcare coverage to parents living with their children 18 years old or younger. FamilyCare also covers relatives who are caring for children in place of their parents. To find out if you’re eligible for FamilyCare benefits visit the FamilyCare Web site or call our hotline 1-866-ALL-KIDS (1-866-255-5437) (TTY: 1-866-675-8440).

Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan (ICHIP)

The Illinois Comprehensive Health Insurance Plan (ICHIP) is a state program for all Illinois residents who are unable to obtain private health insurance coverage. You must pay premiums to participate in the plan. For information visit the ICHIP Web site or call our hotline at 1-866-851-2751 (TTY: 1-800-545-2455).

Illinois Preexisting Condition Insurance Pool (IPXP)

With the passage of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act ("national health reform" or "the Affordable Care Act") on March 23, 2010, Illinois families and employers can anticipate a health insurance marketplace that will provide more meaningful benefits, be more accountable to consumers, and be more transparent.

Illinois Health Insurance Marketplace

If you do not think you qualify for the programs listed here, but need health insurance, you may be eligible for financial help to buy health insurance through the Illinois Health Insurance Marketplace. Visit the for more information and to answer some screening questions about your income and family size.

Illinois Immunization Program

The Illinois Immunization Program makes sure that children get the immunizations (shots) they need to protect them from dangerous childhood diseases. These diseases have serious complications and can even kill children. Immunizations protect children against diseases like Tetanus Polio Measles Mumps, and Hepatitis B.

Early Intervention Program

The Early Intervention Program provides assessment, evaluation and services for infants and toddlers under three years of age who have a medical diagnosis that could result in a developmental delay, a 30 percent delay in development in any area, or are at risk of developmental delays.

2021-2022 Academic Year

At this time, the University is planning to return to a traditional campus experience for the 2021-22 academic year. It is expected that the majority of courses will be offered in-person, students will be living in on-campus housing, and engaging in in-person activities, events, and out-of-classroom experiences.

Spring 2022 Payment Plan

Everyone will be automatically placed into a payment plan as an option for payment. If you register after December 14, 2021, you can set up the payment plan online.

Spring 2022 Refunds

Refunds for Spring 2022 financial aid/over payment begins Friday, January 07, 2022. For students receiving a refund, an email will be sent to the student's email address with information regarding whether the refund will be sent direct deposit or if the student will have to pick the check up in the Student Accounts Office.

2021 1098-T Forms

The 2021 1098-T tax forms will be available online and mailed out by January 31, 2022*. This will be updated once the forms are available. Students have access to a copy of their current and prior year 1098-T forms online through their Student Service Center.

Find Information on the Illinois Science Assessment (ISA)

Illinois administers a federally required science assessment to all students in fifth and eighth grades and after taking Biology I at the high school level. The Illinois Science Assessment aligns with the Next Generation Science Standards and the Illinois Learning Standards for Science.

View School Report Cards

ISBE's Illinois Report Card provides families, educators, and communities with an annual informational snapshot of public schools across Illinois. Find school state-, district-, and school-level data on academic performance, school environment, educators, students, and highlights provided by principals.


Meet the State Superintendent of Education and the nine members of the Illinois State Board of Education. Find the schedule, agenda, and packets for the board's monthly regular business meetings.

Find Information on the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC)

PARCC is Illinois' required accountability assessment for public school students in third through 12th grades. PARCC assesses students based on the new Illinois Learning Standards in English Language Arts and Mathematics.

Find Information on School Climate and Bullying

Bullying behavior in schools can harm students’ social and emotional wellbeing and pose a significant barrier to learning. Find resources for creating and maintaining safe and inclusive school environments for all students.

Find Information on the Kindergarten Individual Development Survey (KIDS)

KIDS is a research-based observational assessment tool for teachers to document and reflect on the learning, development, and readiness of all children in kindergarten. KIDS aligns with the Illinois Early Learning and Development Standards.

Find Information on the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Find the most recently updated information and frequently asked questions about the federal education accountability law the Every Students Succeeds Act (ESSA). Illinois' ESSA State Plan establishes a new framework for measuring school quality and supporting all schools.

Payment in Full

If you choose to pay in full for the semester, you must pay the total balance by the first installment due date.

Payment Plan

All students with a current semester balance are automatically enrolled in a payment plan at the beginning of the semester. The payment plan consists of five installments for Fall (Aug-Dec) and Spring (Jan-May) and two installments for Summer (June-July).

Payment Methods

Payments can be made online, through the mail, or in our office. Online payments must be paid by a student or an Authorized User.
