illuminate parent portal livermore

by Dr. Leta Ortiz IV 6 min read

Assessment of the California State Standards

Students in grades TK - 5 are assessed in their progress toward the completion of grade level standards following the end of Trimester 1, Trimester 2, and Trimester 3. Report cards are used to communicate timely information about student progress.

Report Card Format

The report card is divided into sections on two pages: English Language Arts and Math are on the first page of the report card; Science, Social Studies, Physical Education, Visual & Performing Arts, and Technology are on the second page.

How Can I Access My Child's State Testing Results?

State test results, mailed home in the past, will now be available to you online! Results of CAASPP and ELPAC tests for students in grades TK - 11 will be available to you as soon as the tests have been scored at Illuminate Parent Portal.

How to Create an Illuminate Account

1. Go to Illuminate Parent Portal and click the Create Account link. (We recommend using Chrome as your browser. Internet Explorer and Firefox are not recommended with Illuminate.)
