ims parent portal

by Leanne Willms 7 min read

What is IMS patient app and care portal?

IMS Patient App and Care Portal are your patients’ gateway to their healthcare needs. With 24/7 secure access to their clinical information, your patients can always stay connected and informed while you save time and valuable resources. You never know the next time one of your patients will need you.

Why IMS Montessori?

IMS creates an innovative, Dual-Language Montessori community that fosters the full development of each child. It's IMS' 20th Anniversary! In 2001, the idea of opening a school that offered each child the opportunity to reach his or her own potential without limits through the Montessori curriculum... Why Montessori? Exciting news!

Where can I download the myims mobile app?

For the mobile learning experience, an improved version of myIMS Mobile App has been made available on Google Play Store and Apple App Store Use only the latest version of Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge


Why IMS?

In 2001, the idea of opening a school that offered each child the opportunity to reach his or her own potential without limits through the Montessori curriculum...

Foundation Groups

The two-year-old is a little person! The child at this age is becoming fiercely independent and is attempting new things...

Casa dei Bambini (3-6)

Younger children possess a remarkable ability to absorb the world that surrounds them. At the age from birth to 6 are the most critical period...

Elementary (6-12)

At around the age of six, the child’s mind begins to expand beyond the walls of the Casa Dei Bambini...


At IMS we look to provide a spectrum of experiences that enhance the social, emotional, physical and academic wellbeing of every child.
