indiana department of education parent portal

by Pat Hickle 10 min read

What is the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) doing to iLearn?

Per the recommendations of the 2016 ISTEP+ Panel, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) is leveraging quality content from third-party item banks for use on ILEARN assessments. These item banks are accompanied by item specifications which will be utilized where alignment was confirmed by Indiana educators.

Who can complete the Indiana homeschool enrollment form?

The Homeschool Enrollment form pertains only to residents of the State of Indiana. Submitting the Homeschool Registration Form is not required in the State of Indiana. Only parents and guardians may complete the form.

Where can I find help with homeschooling in Indiana?

The Indiana Department of Education provides a number of helpful resources and tools for families in need of homeschool information and assistance.

Where can I find resources for parents and educators?

Constant Love and Learning is a resource that is beneficial for both parents and educators, with several resources embedded within. Greater Good Magazine from UC Berkeley offers numerous resources for parents and caregivers.


What is IDOe in Indiana?

Per the recommendations of the 2016 ISTEP+ Panel, the Indiana Department of Education (IDOE) is leveraging quality content from third-party item banks for use on ILEARN assessments. These item banks are accompanied by item specifications which will be utilized where alignment was confirmed by Indiana educators.

How to contact IDOE for Ilearn?

Contact IDOE with questions about ILEARN: or 317-233-5191.

What is IDOE rescore?

Pursuant to Indiana Code, IDOE defined a rescore request process for open-ended items appearing on ILEARN 3-8 and biology assessments. Corporations and schools must follow established guidelines when facilitating the rescores of student responses following each ILEARN test administration.

What is the Ilearn test?

ILEARN measures the breadth of Indiana Academic Standards. This means that all standards are represented in the test blueprints , including content area literacy, media literacy, listening, and computer science standards and the item specifications. Indiana educator committees collaborated with content experts to create the ILEARN test blueprints and item specifications.

What is an Ilearn blueprint?

The ILEARN Test Blueprints define the essential content which will be measured by the assessment. Each set of grade-level test blueprints are available in the table.

What is Ilearn assessment?

ILEARN is an untimed assessment. Corporations and schools should use the ILEARN Scheduling and TIming Guidance as they develop their local test schedules.

Who is responsible for communicating student test results to parents?

Schools are responsible for communicating student test results to parents in a timely manner. Parents seeking student scores should contact their child’s school for assistance.

What is the Indiana Department of Education?

The Indiana Department of Education provides a number of helpful resources and tools for families in need of homeschool information and assistance. The IN DOE currently has a "Homeschool Help Sheet" that includes information on getting started, homeschool law, local support groups and organizations, books and curricula, online programs, special needs, work permits, age allowances, athletics, testing, and diploma issuance.

What is PBS for parents?

PBS for Parents shares lists of books, activities and videos for parents to use when talking to children about race.

How to contact a mental health navigator?

To connect with a Mental Health Navigator, call Mental Health America at 765-742-1800 or email to schedule an appointment. As always, any parent or guardian who is concerned about the mental health of their child is encouraged to talk to their school counselor during the school day.

Do you have to pay for textbooks in Indiana?

In Indiana, families must pay all book rental fees unless they qualify for textbook assistance .
