infinite campus parent portal caaspp results

by Dr. Chanelle Crist PhD 8 min read

What is the Infinite Campus portal?

What is Infinite Campus? Infinite Campus Portal is a tool for parents and students to access instant, online, timely and secure student information including: class schedule, assignments, attendance, discipline, course registrations for next year, report cards, and transcripts. Who is eligible to have a Campus Portal account?

Is there an app for parents to access Infinite Campus?

There is also an app called Campus Parent which is available for both iOS and Android devices. If you have questions regarding Infinite Campus or Campus Portal, please contact your child's school, or email for assistance.

Who is eligible to activate a Parent Portal account?

Parents of current students are eligible to activate a Parent Portal account, after agreeing to the terms and conditions of use. The Infinite Campus Portal is a tool used to further promote educational excellence by enhancing our program of communication with parents and students.

How do parents/guardians activate the campus portal?

Parents/guardian should go to the Parent Portal Login Page. Select New User? to open the Campus Portal Activation Key option. Another screen will display >> New User?. Enter the Activation Key assigned to you.


How can I get my child's Caaspp results?

You can find information to help you understand your child's score report at the Starting Smarter CAASPP website ( and Starting Smarter ELPAC website (, where you also can find sample test questions and free resources to help support your child's learning ...

Where do I find my Caaspp score?

Student Score Reports (SSRs) for 2021–22 Information about transitioning to electronic SSRs can be found on the Student Score Report Options web page. To view a sample SSR for each of the content areas, visit the CAASPP Sample Student Score Reports web page.

How do I find my PSAT score on Infinite Campus?

Accessing Student CAASPP Score Reports in Infinite CampusLog into the Infinite Campus Parent Portal and select "Try the new Campus Portal" option.Select the "more" option at the bottom of the left margin menu.Select the "Assessments" option.More items...

How do I get Infinite Campus notifications?

NotificationsBefore you log in, mark Stay Logged In to receive notifications.After logging in, click the user menu in the top right and then click Settings and Notification Settings.From there, indicate which types of notifications you'd like to receive and set the threshold for notifications. ... Click Save.

How do I know if I completed the CAASPP?

The CAASPP Test Results report can be found by filtering for CAASPP in the Reports option. Click on the CAASPP Test Results report name. The CAASPP Test Results report can only be run for the SPRG16 - SPRG19 testing administrations.

What is a good score on CAASPP?

California Science Test Scale Score RangesGradeMin Scale ScoreAchievement Level Scale Score Range for Standard Exceeded (Level 4)5150231–2508350433–450High School (Grades 10–12)550636–650

How do I get my child's PSAT scores?

PSAT/NMSQT Scores After your child takes the October PSAT/NMSQT, their scores will be available online in mid-December. If your child has a College Board online account, they'll get an email saying their scores are ready to view on the Student Score Reports website.

Is 990 a good PSAT score?

In contrast, an excellent score is one that's higher than the 90th percentile, or 90% of test takers. Based on that reasoning, a good PSAT score for a sophomore is a composite score higher than 1060, an OK score is one higher than 920, and an excellent score is anything higher than 1180.

Is 970 a good PSAT score?

DECENT PSAT SCORE: A decent score meets the benchmark for the College Board: 75% chance you won't flunk any classes freshman year of college. That lands typically around the 50th percentile on these tests. For the PSAT that's a 970 for juniors (510 Math / 460 Verbal) and a 910 for sophomores (480 Math / 430 Verbal).

What does P mean in Infinite Campus?

The In Progress Percent is also calculated based on the scores entered. The In Progress Grade is determined based on the Grading Scale selected in the Grade Calculation Options. The Grade Calculation Option to Calculate In Progress Grade must be selected for these columns to appear.

Can you see your GPA on Infinite Campus?

In the Student portal: Click the My Info tab. Click the Transcript side-tab, then click Credit Summary. The system calculates the basic GPA by adding the total points the student earns, and dividing that total by the total number of courses the student completes.

How do I change my grade on Infinite Campus?

Click on the Section that has student grade changes. The Course and Section will display on the right side of the screen. Click on Grading by Task. From the drop-down menu, select the appropriate grading task.

Do colleges look at CAASPP?

Does CAASPP matter for college? Participation in the CAASPP also directly affects students. It is also a College Readiness Indicator. Students who achieve a certain score can skip placement tests or introductory courses for California State University schools or specific community colleges.

Should I release my CAASPP score?

Students must authorize the release of their CAASPP (i.e., Smarter Balanced Summative Assessment) results for each assessment to the CSU and California Community Colleges (CCC) systems. The release of results for both ELA and mathematics must be completed separately.

Are CAASPP and SBAC the same?

Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortia (SBAC) developed the assessments to be used by member states. California uses the California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP), formerly known as STAR (Standardized Testing and Reporting). EAP results are taken from the CAASPP.

What is CAASPP?

The California Assessment of Student Performance and Progress (CAASPP) System consists of the following assessments: Smarter Balanced English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics. California Alternate Assessments for ELA, mathematics, and science.

Student Score Reports (SSRs) for 2020–21

For this test administration year, the additional flexibility offered in test administration impacts the timeline for reporting 2020–21 results. LEAs may receive electronic SSRs and Student Score Data Files later than they had in prior years for the following reasons:

SSR Cover Letter Templates

SSR cover letter templates are available for LEA staff to customize and send to parents and guardians along with their child's SSR. SSR cover letter templates are available for CAASPP, CAAs, and CSA in English, Spanish, Standard Chinese, Traditional Chinese, Filipino, Vietnamese, Korean, and Armenian.

Providing Student Score Reports

SSRs are available electronically, and LEAs can provide SSRs to parents/guardians. Information about transitioning to electronic SSRs can be found on the Student Score Report Options web page.

Starting Smarter

The Starting Smarter websites help parents understand student scores and reports, view sample test questions, and provide additional free resources to support your child’s learning.

Remote Testing

Parents and guardians may be notified by their child’s school that their child will need to complete testing remotely due to closures or other circumstances. For resources on how to remote test, visit the Remote Administration Information for Parents/Guardians web page.

Technology Readiness Checker for Students

The Technology Readiness Checker for Students (TRCS) is a game-like tool students navigate to create a storyboard. The navigation through the TRCS is similar to the navigation used in a computer-based assessment and can be used to identify your child’s technology readiness for online testing.

What is Infinite Campus?

Infinite Campus Portal is a tool for parents and students to access instant, online, timely and secure student information including: class schedule, assignments, attendance, discipline, course registrations for next year, report cards, and transcripts.

Who is eligible to have a Campus Portal account?

Parents of current students are eligible to activate a Parent Portal account, after agreeing to the terms and conditions of use. The Infinite Campus Portal is a tool used to further promote educational excellence by enhancing our program of communication with parents and students.

New Infinite Campus Account - Parent Portal Initial Setup

If you haven’t created an Infinite Campus parent portal account yet, click here to get started.

Password Resets

Please Note: If you do not remember your password try resetting your password by clicking on the “Forgot password" link under the IC login page.

Campus Portal Activation Key

Gilbert Public Schools does not use Campus's Portal Activation Key feature.

How much does the Campus Portal cost?

Nothing. It is a free service to parents and actually saves the district money by reducing paperwork and labor costs.
