infinite campus parent portal cologne academy

by Felipa Schumm 6 min read

How do I sign up for Infinite Campus?

Choose either "Log in to Campus Student" or "Log in to Campus Parent" From the Portal navigation menu, choose "More" -> "Online Registration". Pay fees and add funds to food service accounts directly from within the Infinite Campus portal.

How do I login to the student and parent login pages?

Re-enter the correct username, password AND captcha code to proceed. Student and Parent login pages are now separate. Choose either "Log in to Campus Student" or "Log in to Campus Parent" From the Portal navigation menu, choose "More" -> "Online Registration".

How do I download the campus parent mobile app?

Campus Parent. To download Campus Parent mobile app, visit the App Store or Google Play and search Campus Parent or click on the direct link below: Campus Student. To download Campus Student mobile app, visit the App Store or Google Play and search Campus Student or click on the direct link below:


When will Cologne Academy return?

Full CA Safe Return Plan – June 2021

Is Cologne Academy a charter school?

We are thrilled to ann ounce that Cologne Academy received the distinction of a 2021 High-Quality Charter School. Schools are considered high-quality based on the outcomes measured in math, science, and reading proficiency; math and reading growth; and graduation rate. Of the 168 charter schools in Minnesota only 14 received this high honor. We are proud to be one of them.
