infinite campus parent portal district 54

by Dane Hyatt 4 min read

How do I register for Infinite Campus Parent Portal?

Begin the registration process online. If you have a student currently enrolled in District 54, you can register through your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account . If you do not have your login, please contact New families can begin registration through our Online Registration link.

How do I register as a student in District 54?

If you have a student currently enrolled in District 54, you can register through your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account . If you do not have your login, please contact New families can begin registration through our Online Registration link.

What is District 54 doing with Infinite Campus data?

District 54 has taken advantage of Tableau, an optional product allows them to combine data from Infinite Campus such as grades, attendance, behavior and much more, with other common data sources into unified data visualizations. According to Tomchuk, “We move our data to Tableau every night.

Why choose Infinite Campus for school data?

Schaumburg School District 54, located in northeast Illinois, has 27 schools with more than 14,000 students. In 2009, Schaumberg chose Infinite Campus for its flexible scheduling, customizable reporting options, and advanced data analysis capabilities. Today, the district uses Tableau to visualize individual student and district-level data.


What is the right of district 54?

District 54 reserves the right to revoke approval if a student’s attendance , behavior or tardiness becomes problematic or if District 54 determines that the transportation arranged by the parent poses a safety issue.

What district is accelerated placement in?

The District 54 School Board permits accelerated placement into kindergarten or first grade for students younger than the entrance age requirements only for students who demonstrate high ability pursuant to the Board’s Accelerated Placement Policy. Read more about Accelerated Placement in District 54 .

When is a parent's request for re-assignment approved?

Should a parent’s request for re-assignment be approved, the parent will be required to provide transportation to and from school. Approval is typically granted in August. Requests must be made annually to the school principal before May 1.

When will Illinois open schools?

Based on the current health and safety guidance from the Illinois Board of Education and Illinois Department of Public Health, District 54 is planning to open schools on August 16 with students attending in person five days a week.

Is District 54 a residential area?

However if the number of students at a particular school causes class sizes to be unusually larger than the district average, a designated residential area may be assigned to a District 54 school in another attendance area.
