infinite campus parent portal fcboe

by Christy Gulgowski 6 min read

Fayette County Schools - Parent Digital Resources

As a parent at Fayette County Schools you have access to several platforms for information, communication, and access to resources. The following information will explain how you can access these vital tools:

Infinite Campus: Student Information System

The Campus Parent portal is your source for a variety of student and family records, including household and individual contact information, attendance, school-based fees, academic planning (high school), forms, and report cards. The Parent portal also provides access to the GaDOE SLDS Portal.

Schoology: Learning Management System (LMS)

To access Schoology, parents must create an Infinite Campus parent portal account FIRST. See info on Infinite Campus setup above.

MySchoolBucks: Online Lunch Payments

Fayette County Public Schools' School Nutrition Program is pleased to be able to offer a great way for parents to keep up with their student's lunch money account.

Versatrans: My Stop Mobile App

Fayette County Public Schools now provides a web-based app that allows parents and students to use their computer or smartphone to view the current location of their assigned school bus and its current "live" route status.

Help Tickets for Parents

Technical help is available by opening a support ticket. We are currently experiencing a high volume of tickets and will respond as soon as we are able; please expect a delay in a response, especially during the first few weeks of school. Thank you for your patience and understanding!

What is infinite campus?

Infinite Campus is the latest generation of online teacher gradebooks. It is a full-featured, completely secure web application that allows teachers to create accounts online and store their students’ scores (grades 4-12) as well as take attendance and much, much more!#N#The Student / Parent Viewer allows you to log in and view only your student’s grades. Other features, such as class policies, class announcements, assignment descriptions, and calendars may also be used by your student’s teachers.#N#Parent or guardian email addresses are obtained from your student’s emergency contact form. If your email address changes, please update the information in the Portal under Change Contact Info so that emergency contact and Infinite Campus information remains current.

What is a student/parent viewer?

The Student / Parent Viewer allows you to log in and view only your student’s grades. Other features, such as class policies, class announcements, assignment descriptions, and calendars may also be used by your student’s teachers.
