infinite campus parent portal guhsd

by Mariane Wilderman Sr. 9 min read

What is the Infinite Campus Parent Portal?

The Infinite Campus Parent Portal is a web-based tool for GUHSD parents that allows you to keep track of grades, attendance, messages from the district, and more. Your student will also have an Infinite Campus Student Portal account.

Who has access to Infinite Campus?

All students, parents, and guardians have access to the Grossmont Union High School District's student system, Infinite Campus. Infinite Campus allows users to view schedules, grades, attendance and unofficial transcripts.

How do I Register my returning student with Infinite Campus?

If you already have an Infinite Campus parent portal account with GUHSD, you can register your returning student, plus any younger siblings starting high school, through your parent portal account. This will save you time and reduce errors.

How do I download the Infinite Campus smartphone app?

Navigate to the Apple Store or Google Play Store to download the Infinite Campus smartphone app for your Apple and Android device. Once installed and logged in, search for district " Grossmont Union High School District ."


How do I log into Infinite Campus without password?

To log into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account visit “Forgot Password?”Enter your email address in the “username” field. Click “Continue”. ... Click the link in the email that was sent to your inbox.Create a new password.

How do I log into Infinite Campus with Google?

If you have already logged into Google today, clicking “Google Single Sign-On (SSO)” will immediately also log you onto IC. If you have not yet logged into Google today, you will get a prompt to select your google account and enter your password and then you will be logged into Infinite Campus.

What is Infinite Campus username and password?

Username/Password: Due to privacy concerns, Infinite Campus does NOT have your username or password information. This information is provided by your district.

What do I do if I forgot my Infinite Campus username and password?

Need Help?Click on the Forgot your password link on the Campus login screen. Enter your Campus username. ... Click the unique hyperlink contained within the email. You will be directed to a new screen where you can enter a new password for your account.Enter your new password and save.

How do I sync my Google Classroom with Infinite Campus?

From the home screen of Google Classroom, click on the + in the top right corner. 2. Choose Create class 3. A pop up box appears in which you select the class in Infinite Campus to which you want to connect this class.

How do I get my activation key for Infinite Campus?

To request a Parent Portal Activation Key visit the Parent Portal Activation Key Lookup page. You'll need: Your child's Student Number (It can be found on your student's report card or transcript.) Your child's Social Security Number (SSN) or the SSN-like number* assigned to your child.

How do I change my grade in Infinite Campus as a student 2021?

Click on the next to the course name to display the sections. Click on the Section that has student grade changes. The Course and Section will display on the right side of the screen. Click on Grading by Task.

What is CCSD standard user ID?

Your CCSD Standard User ID, also known as Active Directory username or GoogleID, will allow you to log in and access the following systems: Canvas, Clever, Gmail and Infinite Campus, as well as log on to your school Chromebook device or workstation.

What does P stand for in Infinite Campus?

AcronymWhat it stands for (click link for more info)Other notesPPALSPostive Alternative Learning for StudentsPARPeer Assistance & Review(office: 365-5110)PBISPositive Behavioral Interventions and Support181 more rows•Jun 24, 2020

How do I reset my parent portal password?

If you forget or misplace your password, navigate to the Parent Portal login page and click the “Forgot Password?” option. You will be prompted to enter the user ID or email associated with the account. Once submitted, you will receive an email containing a link to reset your password.

How do I access my CCSD email?

To login to your CCSD G Suite account:Open in a web browser.Click the “Sign In” button in the upper right corner of the page.Enter your full email address (e.g. then click the button to proceed.Enter your AD password and then click button to proceed.More items...•

How do I access my CCSD student email? 2. Enter your Username and Password.