infinite campus parent portal lhs

by Khalil Parker 6 min read

What is the Infinite Campus portal?

Infinite Campus. As part of our continued effort to provide parents and guardians with information about their student's progress, Lynchburg City Schools utilizes an online parent portal called Infinite Campus. Infinite Campus is a single source for parents to track student data including contact information, schedules, attendance, grades,...

What is Infinite Campus for Littleton Public Schools?

Littleton Public Schools uses Infinite Campus to manage student data through a confidential and secure website that supports communication between parents, students, and schools. Keep one step ahead with Infinite Campus Family Portal!

How do I create a parent/guardian account on Infinite Campus?

Login to the Infinite Campus Parent Portal (see instructions above if you have not already created an account). Click on the Online Registration button under Family to start the registration process. Does each parent/guardian receive his or her own activation key and account?

Do I need to sign up for Parent Portal at each school?

Regardless of how many students you have in the LPS system, they will all show up under your Parent Portal, there is no need to sign up at each school. Littleton Public Schools uses Infinite Campus to manage student data through a confidential and secure website that supports communication between parents, students, and schools.


What is the Infinite Campus password?

If this is your first time logging onto Infinite Campus, the username is the student's Student ID (this can be obtained from your school) your password is the student's first name initial, last name initial followed by birth date using a 6 digit number: for example James Arthur Montgomery born on September 11, 2001 ...

How do I log into Infinite Campus with Google?

If you have already logged into Google today, clicking “Google Single Sign-On (SSO)” will immediately also log you onto IC. If you have not yet logged into Google today, you will get a prompt to select your google account and enter your password and then you will be logged into Infinite Campus.

How do I log into Infinite Campus without password?

To log into your Infinite Campus Parent Portal account visit “Forgot Password?”Enter your email address in the “username” field. Click “Continue”. ... Click the link in the email that was sent to your inbox.Create a new password.

How do I log into Infinite Campus on my phone?

Logging in to the AppDownload the app from the App Store or Google Play.Search for your District Name and State. ... Enter your Username and Password, provided by your school.If using a secure, private device, mark Stay Logged In to receive mobile push notifications, if enabled by your school.Click Log In!

How do I get my activation key for Infinite Campus?

If you do not have an activation key, please visit the Parent Portal Activation Key Lookup page. You will need: Your child's Student Number (It can be found on your student's report card or transcript.) The last four digits of your child's Social Security Number (SSN) or the SSN-like number* assigned to your child.

How do I change my grade in infinite campus as a student 2021?

Click on Grading by Student. Select the student from the drop-down menu. Scroll down to the standard you wish to update for the student. Make sure that you are in the correct grading period.

How do I reset my parent portal password?

If you forget or misplace your password, navigate to the Parent Portal login page and click the “Forgot Password?” option. You will be prompted to enter the user ID or email associated with the account. Once submitted, you will receive an email containing a link to reset your password.

What does P mean in Infinite Campus?

The In Progress Percent is also calculated based on the scores entered. The In Progress Grade is determined based on the Grading Scale selected in the Grade Calculation Options. The Grade Calculation Option to Calculate In Progress Grade must be selected for these columns to appear.

How do I reset my CCSD password?

To reset or change your password:Rest your password using you cannot access the Portal after resetting your password , call 702-799-PORT (7678) for assistance.

Why is my Infinite Campus app not working?

You may need to uninstall the app, power off your device, power on your device and then reinstall your app. The error message may be presented to a user if they attempt to log into the Campus Portal app with an incorrect District ID.

Is there an app for Infinite Campus?

You can access Infinite Campus on the web and through a mobile app. Infinite Campus offers mobile apps on both Android and iOS platforms. Download your free app for real-time access to grades, assignments, attendance, schedules, announcements and more.

Is there an Infinite Campus Teacher app?

The Infinite Campus teacher app is installed in your Schoology course so that you can sync grades from your Schoology Gradebook to your Infinite Campus Grade Book.

Does Infinite Campus have an app?

Infinite Campus offers mobile apps on both Android and iOS platforms. Download your free app for real-time access to grades, assignments, attendance, schedules, announcements and more. Click here for more information about Infinite Campus.

What is Campus Student app?

Campus Student puts your school information at your fingertips. Real-time access to announcements, assignments, attendance, grades, schedules and much more. Receive alerts for grades, assignment scores, attendance changes and more.

What does P mean in Infinite Campus?

The In Progress Percent is also calculated based on the scores entered. The In Progress Grade is determined based on the Grading Scale selected in the Grade Calculation Options. The Grade Calculation Option to Calculate In Progress Grade must be selected for these columns to appear.

What do you mean by campus?

Definition of campus 1 : the grounds and buildings of a university, college, or school. 2 : a university, college, or school viewed as an academic, social, or spiritual entity. 3 : grounds that resemble a campus a hospital campus a landscaped corporate campus.

What is the purpose of infinite campus?

Littleton Public Schools uses Infinite Campus to manage student data through a confidential and secure website that supports communication between parents, students, and schools.

How to access parent portal?

In order to access the portal, parents must first complete the Application For Infinite Campus - then bring the form in - with a photo id – to our attendance office. The photo id is a federal requirement and must be presented in person. When you present the form and id to the school, you will receive an Activation Key that will allow you to create a username and password to set up your Parent Portal Account. Regardless of how many students you have in the LPS system, they will all show up under your Parent Portal, there is no need to sign up at each school.

How to contact LPS?

Send an email to online support at or leave a message at 303-347-3553 and we will contact you as soon as possible.

What is annual family check in?

The “Annual Family Check-In” is an update of your household information for back-to-school. Parents must have an activated parent login to complete the “Annual Family Check-In,” which cannot be completed with the student or mobile portal.

What is the purpose of infinite campus?

Littleton Public Schools uses Infinite Campus to manage student data through a confidential and secure website that supports communication between parents, students, and schools.

How to contact LPS?

Send an email to online support at or leave a message at 303-347-3553 and we will contact you as soon as possible.

What is annual family check in?

The “Annual Family Check-In” is an update of your household information for back-to-school. Parents must have an activated parent login to complete the “Annual Family Check-In,” which cannot be completed with the student or mobile portal.

Resource Descriptions

FUHSD uses Google Suite for Education. Student FUHSD Google accounts include Gmail, for communicating with teacher, and Google Classroom, an alternate to School Loop

Help in Crisis when school is not in session

The California Parent and Youth Helpline provides support and resource referrals to parent and youth during the current COVID-19 pandemic, 7-days a week from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. Call or text 1-855-4APARENT (855-427-2736) for services in English, Spanish and other languages. For more information, please visit the Youth Helpline website.

What is the parent portal for Lynchburg City Schools?

As part of our continued effort to provide parents and guardians with information about their student's progress, Lynchburg City Schools uses an online parent portal called Infinite Campus.

How to contact LCS?

Contact your child’s school Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Contact the LCS Help Desk at (434) 515-5090 Monday through Friday between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. If you are not able to connect with someone, please leave a message with a good time to call you back. Parent & Student Portal Login.

Does infinite campus require a district ID?

Note: The current version of the Infinite Campus app does not require a District ID to install. The updated version requires iOS 8+ and Android 2.3+. If your device is unable to update, use district ID: GXWMLJ

The Buzz

FCPS is considering changes to the 2022-23 school calendar. Tell us what you prefer: Calendar survey (Deadline is Jan. 7.)


The mission of Fayette County Public Schools is to create a collaborative community that ensures all students achieve at high levels and graduate prepared to excel in a global society.

What is infinite parent portal?

Infinite Campus Parent Portal is an easy way to monitor your child’s academic progress online. Through Infinite Campus Parent Portal you can easily communicate with teachers through email, and receive automatic email notification related to tardies, unexcused absences, and failing grades.

How to contact LTHs parent portal?

Technology Department Help Desk: Email or. Phone (815)588-8637.
