infinite campus parent portal sioux falls

by Hannah Hermiston 3 min read

What is Infinite Campus in Sioux City?

The Sioux City Community School District uses Infinite Campus as its web-based student information system. The service allows students and parents/guardians to access academic information and other student records. The questions and answers below provide additional information about Infinite Campus. Q.

What is Infinite Campus and how does it work?

The Sioux City Community School District uses Infinite Campus as its web-based student information system. The service allows students and parents/guardians to access academic information and other student records.

How do I log into the campus portal?

Launch the Campus App, select Settings, choose “Sioux City Community School District” for the district, and “Iowa” for the state. Enter your Campus Portal Username and Password.

What is a Student/Parent Portal account?

Any parent/guardian with a child enrolled in the Sioux City Community School District (grades K-12) will be given an account to access information for the student (s) the parent holds legal guardianship of. Each parent/guardian will have a unique account. Q. How to establish a Student/Parent Portal account?


How do parents get a portal account for SCCSD?

Parents of current SCCSD students without portal accounts should contact their student’s school building to have a portal account created for them.

Do parents have to have their own account?

All parents are strongly encouraged to setup their own account. Only a parent account has the privilege to update household information as well as the ability to view all children in a household from a single place. Parents also have the added benefit of receiving district and school wide announcements.

Tickets will be for sale until December 9th 2021

Cute and adorable! You could win this year’s CTE playhouse built by their Carpentry students. This charming playhouse has lights, a loft, and lots of cedar. The Sioux Falls Education Foundation will sell raffle tickets to win this charming playhouse.

Buy a ticket in person

Email Allison Struck, to set up a time to pay and pick up your raffle ticket (s) at IPC.

Nominations for the 34th Annual Dr. John W. Harris Teacher of the Year Award are now open!

Outstanding, full-time teachers in ANY accredited Sioux Falls school are eligible for the award and $4,000 in prize money donated by Vern Eide Motorcars! Classroom teachers that have at least three (3) full years of teaching experience, a class of his/her own and teaches students at least three (3) or more hours per day, five (5) days a week, for six (6) or more calendar months during a school year are eligible.

Kids Inc. Celebrates National Lights on Afterschool Day

Educational professionals and families across the nation recently celebrated Lights on Afterschool, a yearly event that honors afterschool programs and the important role they play in the lives of children, families, and communities. Our 22 Kids Inc.


Q. What Information Is Available to Students and Parents Within The Portal?

Q. Who Has Access to The Student/Parent Portal?

Q. How to Establish A Student/Parent Portal account?

Q. as A Parent, Do I Need My Own Account Or Can I Use My Child’S account?

Q. Is My Information Secure Within The Student/Parent Portal?

Q. How Often Is Information Updated in The Student/Parent Portal?

Q. How Do I Report Errors Or Request Updates to My Information?

Q. Is There A Mobile App to Access Infinite Campus on The Go?

  • Yes, Infinite Campus App is available for download for your iPad, iPhone, iPod and Android devices: 1. Launch the Campus App, select Settings, choose “Sioux City Community School District” for the district, and “Iowa” for the state. 1. Enter your Campus Portal Username and Password. 1. Select “Log In / Sign In”
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