infinite campus parent portal walton county

by Jaylin Bergstrom 4 min read

How do I access my child’s information in Walton County School District?

The Walton County School District is now offering parents access to their children’s information. Your connection to students’ education/academic information is now available online. The following information is required to setup a Focus Parent Portal Account.

What is Infinite Campus?

What is Infinite Campus? Infinite Campus (IC) is the Student Information System (SIS) for the Walton County School District. This system houses any data related to a student, including their household information, class schedules, grades, transcripts, attendance, and test results.

What information is included in the parent portal?

Additionally, the Parent Portal enables parents to verify household information, including their email address, home address, and telephone numbers. These pages will provide information helpful to parents regarding the purpose and use of Infinite Campus as well as directions for setting up an account and navigating online.

What can parents see on Infinite Campus?

When parents or students log into Infinite Campus they can see class schedules, grades for assignments as well as overall averages, and attendance for each class. Test results for state tests as well as major district tests are also available on Infinite Campus. What can I not see?


Can parents see student grades?

It is also possible to set up a parent portal account that allows you to see all of your student’s grades, schedule, etc. Parents should not utilize their student’s portal account as it is also related to their school work, etc.

Can parents use a schoology account?

Login Information: Each student has access to their each of their classes utilizing a Schoology account. It is also possible to set up a parent account that allows you to see all of your student’s assignments, announcements from teachers, etc. Parents should not utilize their student’s Schoology account as it is also related to their school work, ...
