information now parent portal login

by Dr. Presley Moen 9 min read

How do I obtain a parent/guardian login to informationnow?

To obtain a parent/guardian login to InformationNOW, please contact the school. Users must receive a user name and password, as well as the Web site URL, to access the program. • To log in, open a Web browser window. • Go to the Web site URL as given by the school to access InformationNOW.

How do I log in to informationnow?

• To log in, open a Web browser window. • Go to the Web site URL as given by the school to access InformationNOW. • Enter the User Name and Password. • Click Login.

How do I sign up for a campus parent account?

If you don't already have a Campus Parent account, visit the Portal page for instructions to sign up for an account. Parents should not log into the Portal using their student's account, but rather create their own Campus Parent account. Here's why:


Personalized Student Data in the Parent Portal

The Infinite Campus Family Portal offers families a deep understanding and knowledge of student progress through the Personalized Student Dashboard, which displays student assessment and testing data and also student:

Personalized Student Dashboard Examples

This section offers explanation and examples of student information provided in the parent portal.
