inow parent portal arab city

by Jerrod Eichmann 3 min read

Mask Update

January 28th, 2022 - Arab City Schools has seen a significant decline in the number of positive COVID-19 cases this week. ACS will now transition back to masked preferred status. Thank you to our ACS family for working together to keep everyone safe.

ADPH Back to School Toolkit

ACS ARP ESSER Approved Application (It may take several minutes to load.)

COVID-19 Update - January 12, 2022

As we enter into the second semester of the school year, we are once again faced with the challenges of navigating the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The rise of the Omicron variant and its level of contagiousness has created a spike in our number of positive cases.

ACS Serve Day

Arab City Schools’ vision is to Invest in Others, Serve Our Community, and Seek Growth. We are passionate about bringing our vision to life every day. Serve Day is a way for our ACS family to say thank you to volunteers, businesses, organizations, and churches for their partnerships. Together, we are investing in the community we love.
