inow parent portal auburn city schools

by Candido Graham V 7 min read

Is Auburn City Schools open for 2021 registration?

Registration is open for kindergarten and students NEW to Auburn City Schools for the 2021-2022 Academic Year. New Student Registrations are accepted until April 2022. Only students who currently reside in Auburn may register online. NO returning students registrations will be accepted in the NEW student portal.

How are new students welcomed at Auburn High School?

NEW STUDENTS New students to our school system are welcomed to Auburn High School in our Counseling Suite. After registering with the Registrar and visiting with an assigned Counselor, registered and enrolled students are taken on a tour of the school. One stop on the tour will be the Library Media Center.

How do I access the iNOW GRADE Portal?

ACCESSING INOW grade portal To check grades, students may go to the ACS webpage (, click on the For Students link, select Grade Portal/Chalkable/INOW, type in the same username for logging into a computer (ex., jadoe), and type in the password with the word auburn in front of the number (ex., auburn12345).

Who can register on the new student portal?

Only students who currently reside in Auburn may register online. NO returning students registrations will be accepted in the NEW student portal. All future students not currently residing in Auburn should contact the Residency Office at 334-887-1906 for guidance.


What is 1:1 pace in Auburn City Schools?

For 2021/2022, Auburn City Schools is excited to continue the iPad 1:1 PACE (Providing Authentic Creative Engagement) Initiative! With this initiative, each student (grades 7 through 12) will again be issued an iPad, a technology resource that will enhance academic opportunities across the school’s curriculum. Please refer to the handbook located on AHS’s web page (Our School drop down menu) for more information. Parents and students can also visit the My School Bucks (Parent drop down menu) link on AHS’s web page in order to pay the $50 ACS Technology Fee for use of the iPad and also to electronically sign the Technology Agreement form. AHS continues to be so excited about this program!!

When do sophomores pick up 2021 schedules?

Sophomores: Tuesday, August 3 (1:00 until 3:00 p.m.) During these days, students will pick up 2021/2022 schedules, parking passes (if purchased), Student iPads (if iPad Agreement form and user fee have been received), and participate in tours (if needed). Class dues will be accepted as well.

Academic Information for Parents

Counselors are visiting 8 th grade classrooms during the week of February 22-25, and will be sending home information with students regarding 9th grade course selection. Current 8 th grade parents, please click here to watch a video concerning 9 th grade course registration.

Parent Teacher Organization

Follow PTO on Facebook for information about restaurant night, events, and other announcements. Click here for the PTO Facebook page. Still need to join PTO or check out other ways to support PTO? Click here for their webpage.

Student ID Badges

All students received a new ID badge and lanyard in their advisory class on January 6, a blue day. Old badges and lanyards that are in good condition can be kept in your backpack as a back-up. Badges that are broken or the photo, name, or bar codes are damaged should be thrown away.

2021-22 iPad User Agreement and Fee

Head to MySchoolBucks to complete the iPad user agreement and pay the $50 user fee for the 2021-22 school year. Click here to go to MySchoolBucks. Students will not receive an iPad until the user agreement is signed and the fee is paid.

PowerSchool Parent Portal

PowerSchool Parent Portal is now open. Your student received a letter on 8/31 in Advisory that includes detailed instructions to set up your personal PowerSchool parent account. This will allow you to check your child’s grades using any internet web browser or the PowerSchool app.

Withdrawal Requests

Please complete a withdrawal request if you are planning on not attending school 2020-2021.

CNP Request for Refund

If you are withdrawing, please visit here to request a refund from MySchoolBucks.
