inow parent portal effingham

by Alex Nitzsche 5 min read

What is the parent portal?

The Parent Portal is an online way for parents to check their child's current grades, attendance, missing assignments, and upcoming projects. If you do not have a Parent Portal Log In Account please visit our school's Data Clerk, Gwendolyn Gracen, to have your account created.

How do I obtain login information as a parent/guardian of a student?

Please refer to the Campus Parent & Campus Student Accounts worksheet (given at the time of registration) for your login information. For parents of current students who wish to obtain login information, please call any Effingham County School at which you have child (ren) enrolled and ask to speak to the data clerk about setting up your account.

What is better prep success at Effingham High School?

Effingham High School and Effingham Unit #40 are excited to offer to all Effingham High School students a free ACT/SAT Preparation service. Effingham Unit #40 has purchased the Better Prep Success from Jason Franklin, a well-known and successful ACT/SAT test prep instructor.


What is Unit 40 at Effingham?

Welcome to Effingham Unit #40 . We are excited to share the story of our students' journey towards academic excellence. Every day, a team of dedicated teachers, administrators and support staff collaborate with one another in an effort to prepare our students for the global stage.

When is the Effingham High School physical 2021?

Athletic physicals are scheduled for Monday, July 26, 2021 at the Effingham High School gym lobby. The cost of the physicals is $20.00 (paid in cash or check made out to cash) The girls can enter to complete required paperwork at 5:15pm with their physicals beginning at 5:30pm.

Welcome to Effingham High School!

Welcome to Effingham High School Effingham High School is a learning environment that differs from other high schools. We are engrossed every day in innovation, excitement, energy, and celebration. From the classroom to the theatre to the athletic fields, the staff and students are on fire for their school and community.

EHS News

We would like to congratulate the following students for their pursuit of academic excellence for the 2nd quarter.

Test Prep

Effingham High School and Effingham Unit #40 are excited to offer to all Effingham High School students a free ACT/SAT Preparation service.

Welcome to Effingham Junior High School!

Welcome to Effingham Junior High School We are a 6th, 7th, and 8th grade building which typically educates 600 students per year. Academics is our foundation. We teach 5 core areas: Reading, Writing, Math, Social Studies, and Science.

EJHS Honor Roll

We'd like to congratulate the EJHS' students who were named to the honor roll for the 2nd quarter. Keep up the great work. We are proud of you!
