inow parent portal hcs

by Shanny McKenzie 4 min read

What is PowerSchool SIS student and Parent Portal?

The PowerSchool SIS Student and Parent portal gives parents and students access to real-time information including attendance, grades and detailed assignment descriptions, school bulletins, lunch menus, and even personal messages from the teacher.

What is the parent portal and how do I login?

The Parent Portal is designed for access to all your children’s grades. We encourage you to visit the site often. The ‘User Name’ is provided for each parent and student by OCS. During your first visit to the Parent Portal you will need to use the generic password that was provided to you.

What can I find in the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

I'm looking for... The PowerSchool Parent Portal gives you information about your child's grades, attendance, discipline records, teacher notes and much more. Enrollment Info.

Where can I find information about HCS magnet programs?

You can visit the HCS Magnet Programs webpage to find information regarding applying for a magnet program. You can visit the HCS Majority to Minority webpage to find information regarding applying for a majority to minority transfer. You can visit the Extended Learning webpage to find information regarding after school care.


What is PowerSchool SIS?

The PowerSchool SIS Student and Parent portal gives parents and students access to real-time information including attendance, grades and detailed assignment descriptions, school bulletins, lunch menus, and even personal messages from the teacher.

How does PowerSchool work?

With PowerSchool's powerful communication tools, everyone stays connected: Students stay on top of assignments, parents are able to participate more fully in their student's progress, and teachers can use their gradebook to make decisions on what information they want to share with parents and students.

How many seats are there in high availability schools?

High Availability Schools - Schools projected to have 30 seats or more for transfers.

When will the Snapcodes be available?

Returning Student Registration 'snapcodes' will be made available each spring for students returning the following school year.

Can a parent sign in to PowerSchool?

Note: Each parent can sign in to the PowerSchool Student and Parent portal with one account and see any and all students for whom they have legal and parental rights to.

Can students see their personal information on PowerSchool?

Students enter the student username and student password provided by their school to sign in to PowerSchool Student and Parent Portals and PowerSchool Mobile. Students can see only their personal account information.
