ipswich fit parent portal

by Prof. Sabina Hoppe Sr. 7 min read

What do we offer at Ipswich fit?

We strive to offer sport and physical activity opportunities to everyone and pride ourselves on the range and variety of activities across our Ipswich Fit facilities. Find out everything you need to know about our quality gyms.

What is myipswichfit and how does it work?

myIpswichFit is our new online system, providing a user-friendly one-stop-shop for managing your bookings, memberships, and more. I already use Online Booking.

Where is the Ipswich Borough Council Office?

Ipswich Borough Council © MMXVII Ipswich Borough Council, Grafton House, 15-17 Russell Road, Ipswich IP1 2DE Sign up to receive Ipswich Fit updates. SUBSCRIBE! You have Successfully Subscribed! Sign up to receive Job alerts from Ipswich Borough Council.

Is trampolining still available in Ipswich fit?

Trampolining returns to Ipswich Fit! Trampolining has now returned to our centres, we are offering casual trampolining sessions as well as a structured trampolining course. To find out more about our Trampolining course visit Junior Sports Courses.


School emails – Gmail

When adding the account to a personal device select “Google” as the account type

Cover Requests

Username = School Username (if you are using a windows computer ensure you input ict\username) Password = School Password


Password is separate from school account. Request password reset is available on the login page
