irvine school parent portal

by Prof. Xavier Brakus Sr. 3 min read

What is the Irvine Public Schools Foundation?

Irvine Public Schools Foundation offers a variety of enrichment programs for students in grades K-12 after school, on school holidays, and throughout the summer. After school and summer classes are available to students from any school or district. For more information about IPSF, please visit 1.

Why choose Irvine for your child?

At Irvine, we believe an integral part of providing our students with the best educational experience possible is through open communication between the school and home, and with the direct involvement of parents/guardians in their child’s education.

Why choose IR Irvine Intermediate?

Irvine Intermediate is being recognized as a leader in student achievement. Irvine Intermediate is featured on ERP’s website where educators and policymakers can seek out high-performing schools so that they can replicate success.

Is school safety important at Irvine Intermediate School?

School Safety is important at Irvine Intermediate School. Recently, Irvine's school counselor, Mrs. Santacruz, and several teachers led Irvine students in an activity to allow them a chance to express what makes them feel safe at school. The peace pr…


National School Counseling Week

As part of National School Counseling Week, IUSD is celebrating and highlighting the important work of our school counselors. Thank you for your leadership, dedication, advocacy and support for our students!

IUSD Celebrates Black History Month

IUSD is proud to join the nation in recognizing Black History Month, which is a celebration of achievements, contributions and the central role of African Americans in U.S. history.

What is Irvine Intermediate School?

Irvine Intermediate School is at the forefront of instructional technology. Daily, students are using technology to learn 21 st century skills they can use throughout the educational careers. Our technology device to student ration exceeds 1:1. Students have the opportunity to learn on a variety of technology platforms. For example our students can proficiently move from one platform to another depending on whether they are using an iPad or Chromebook.

Why is Irvine important?

Irvine Promotes Safety and Peace. School Safety is important at Irvine Intermediate School. Recently, Irvine's school counselor, Mrs. Santacruz, and several teachers led Irvine students in an activity to allow them a chance to express what makes them feel safe at school. The peace pr….

Is Irvine Intermediate a California school?

Irvine intermediate was recognized as 2021 California Distinguished Schools in an announcement by State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond on March 18. Irvine Intermediate school was among only 11 schools in Orange County and just ove…

Is Irvine Intermediate a leader?

Irvine Intermediate is being recognized as a leader in student achievement. Irvine Intermediate is featured on ERP’s website where educators and policymakers can seek out high-performing schools so that they can replicate success. You can view our Ho…
