is kws parent portal safe

by Prof. Omari McKenzie 10 min read

A: Niantic Kids is powered by SuperAwesome’s Kid Web Services (KWS) platform. SuperAwesome KWS is certified as COPPA-compliant by the kidSAFE Seal Program and is an ESRB Privacy Certified member in good standing. The service provides privacy safeguards allowing kids, and parents like you, to better enjoy digital adventures.

SuperAwesome KWS is certified as COPPA-compliant by the kidSAFE Seal Program and is an ESRB Privacy Certified member in good standing. The service provides privacy safeguards allowing kids, and parents like you, to better enjoy digital adventures.

Full Answer

What is the KWS Parent Portal?

The KWS Parent Portal is the dashboard that parents use to manage the permissions for their child or children on multiple apps or websites. If the parent’s second child also signs up to one of your apps, the parent can manage their permissions from the same dashboard:

What is KWS and how does it work?

KWS is a no-cost solution, eliminating all parent verification costs for both developers and parents or guardians. Learn how a leading mobile games developer uses Kids Web Services to enable global, COPPA-compliant, personalized experiences for under-16s. What is Verifiable Parental Consent and why do I need it?

Why plug-and-play KWS?

Our plug-and-play KWS platform takes away the complexity and gives you access to the most deployed consent management and verification solution in the market, optimized over many years and millions of transactions, and powered by our rapidly growing network of pre-verified parents.

How does a parent login to the parent portal?

The email includes a link to the Parent Portal. When the parent clicks the link, they are automatically logged in to the Parent Portal, where they can review and manage the child’s permissions. Depending on the permission (s) required, the parent may need to go through the parent identity verification process. This is a one-time-only process.


What is KWS parent portal?

The KWS Parent Portal is the dashboard that parents use to manage the permissions for their child or children on multiple apps or websites.

Why do you need my personal information to verify my identity KWS?

We collect your personal information ONLY to verify your age so that you can provide consent for your child to use our app. The information is not stored, used for any other purpose, or shared with anyone after the initial check.

Is SuperAwesome safe to use?

SuperAwesome built a platform called Kids Web Services (KWS), a “parental consent management toolkit” that helps developers incorporate child-safe services, including advertising and monetization. KWS is GDPR compliant and has been certified through the KidSafe and other safe harbor programs.

What verification methods are available in my country KWS?

Verification using a personal ID number.Verification using a payment card.Verification using ID Scan. Example.

Is Epic Games parent verification safe?

The verification system checks a parent's credit card details and the last four digits of their Social Security number, as well as other biographical information, against government records to make sure someone under the age of 13 isn't sneaking onto an app or game by misrepresenting their age or identity.

Why does Epic Games ask for SSN?

However, according to the official blog by Epic Games, this is being done to ensure that the person creating the account is, in fact, an adult. Since the Social Security Number or credit/debit card information will provide irrefutable proof of age, it is a failsafe mechanic, for the most part.

What is KWS SuperAwesome?

SuperAwesome's mission is to make the internet a better place for kids (under 13) and Young Teens (under 16). Our Kids Web Services (KWS) platform does just that by helping developers build compliant and engaging digital experiences for their younger audiences.

Why do Epic Games ask for parent permission?

The purpose of this verification system is to stop children from playing Fortnite without the consent of their parents/guardians. The developers do not want children to misrepresent their age or identity and wrongly spend V-Bucks on cosmetics and skins.

Has Epic Games Been Hacked?

The most recent security breach to hit Epic Games happened on January 2019, when a webpage security flaw left 200 million Fortnite players vulnerable to hacking. Many of those who were targeted had their login credentials stolen, and some also saw fraudulent charges posts on their connected payment card accounts.

How long does it take for EDD to verify identity?

You have 10 calendar days from the Mail Date on the Request for Identity Verification (DE 1326C) mailed to you to respond with your proof of identity. To request more time, you must call 1-866-401-2849 or mail a request to the address at the top of the Request for Identity Verification (DE 1326C) mailed to you.

How long after I verify my identity will I get my refund 2022?

nine weeks(added March 14, 2022) After you verify your identity and tax return information using this service, it may take up to nine weeks to complete the processing of the return. Visit Where's My Refund? or use the IRS2Go mobile app 2-3 weeks after using this service to check your refund status.

What happens after verification for unemployment NJ?

NJDOL contracts with to provide multi-factor identity verification services that assist the department in authenticating claimants' identity in an efficient manner. If needed, you will be contacted by NJDOL and instructed to verify your identity through a specific weblink connected to

Can I verify my identity for Edd online?

Once you are signed in to your account, you can verify your identity with a video selfie, or over a video call with a live agent. Follow the steps to verify your identity with a video selfie.

What is KWS in a website?

Example. KWS is a parental consent management tool. It enables parents and legal guardians to manage their consent for apps or websites to process their child’s personal data. This ensures that publishers fulfill their obligation to obtain consent from a child user’s parent or legal guardian ...

What is the method of verification used by parents worldwide?

Verification using a payment card. This method of verification is used for parents worldwide. (Parents in the USA, Brazil and Mexico can choose between personal ID verification and payment card verification.)

Can a parent opt out of KWS?

This is the least stringent form of parental consent supported by the KWS platform. The app can process a child’s information without the explicit consent of the parent; however, it must notify the parent of its intent to process such information. The parent then has the right to opt their child out, stopping any further processing.

What do global privacy laws for developers entail?

A large number of the engaging features that are core to most successful games — including personalization, AR experiences, chat functionalities, and social sharing — typically rely on the collection of personally identifiable information (PII).

Why do some VPC solutions create user friction?

Obtaining VPC is important to safeguard younger audiences, but this process can introduce user and parent frustration if not managed properly. “It is important to minimize the number of steps in the process to avoid collecting more information than necessary and to remove friction for the user,” described Nunn.

Who is KWS most useful for?

KWS supports developers of digital services, including games, platforms, apps, sites, or social communities, that want to engage responsibly with their younger audiences.

Where can I learn more about KWS?

To find out more about Kids Web Services and how it can help you manage parental consent for younger audiences, get in touch today.
