isb parent portal calendar

by Matilda Pfannerstill 10 min read

Does the calendar meet the needs of the ISB Panthers?

We thank everyone for their feedback as we worked to create a calendar that meets the learning needs of our ISB Panthers. Early release days are still being set and will be added as soon as the dates are finalized.

Why choose ISB Belgrade International School?

As the leading international school in Belgrade, we empower, inspire and equip our students to lead in a fast changing and complex world. At ISB we are proud to offer the International Baccalaureate (IB) continuum meaning that our learners have access to IB programming at all times while at ISB.

What is holistic education at ISB?

ISB’s commitment to developing programs that support a holistic education is an essential component of our curriculum. Academics, sports and CCA’s, social and emotional learning, student leadership and service are at the core of ISB’s learning program.

Why choose cheer on ISB?

Cheer on our ISB students as they work hard, play hard and win hard while competing in interscholastic athletic and club sports. Athletic Teams Athletics Facilities


What is ParentVue portal?

ParentVUE is a web portal that allows parents and guardians to access real-time information related to their students, including:

When is ParentVUE used?

ParentVUE is also used on an annual basis during the start of each school year to verify student enrollment information .
