ischool parent portal

by Prof. Moses Stanton 10 min read

How do I register a new student in the parent portal?

If you already have a parent portal account, log in to it to register a new student. If you do not already have an account with the Sachem School District, and would like to register a new student, please click on the "Online Registration" link at the bottom.

What are the new tabs in the parent portal?

These new tabs will provide further information about your students' bus information, Progress Reports, Assessments, Immunizations, and other helpful information. See additional information provided below, which may provide assistance to applying for the Parent Portal, as well as accessing the newly added tabs.

Who is eSchoolData?

eSchoolData English EnglishEspañol About eSchoolData We are passionate about serving education. Our team consists of seasoned education technology professionals who are dedicated to making it easier for educators to provide a high quality learning experience to children.

How does a parent/guardian sign up for a student?

The Parent/Guardian will then need to sign into their account, complete the enrollment forms, and submit any required documents. PLEASE NOTE: If you are applying for more than one student, you must wait until you have been given your account login information prior to submitting any additional student applications.


What is iSchool High School?

iSchool High at University Park is an officially designated Early College High School for grades 7-12 through the Texas Education Agency. With this designation comes the amazing opportunity and privilege to earn a high school diploma and up to an Associates Degree through Lone Star College-University Park all within a four-year time frame.

What is the standard for iSchool High?

All students at iSchool High at University Park are required to meet a standard of 90 percent or better on all graded assessments. Students work independently through each knowledge unit to gain the knowledge and information needed to achieve the mastery-based standard.

What is authentic learning in high school?

We are a public high school system designed to provide diverse opportunities and challenges. Authentic learning demands that students connect what they learn with their real world. This approach results in learning that goes beyond typical education and engages students in life-changing pursuits.

What is iSchool High at University Park?

All students at iSchool High at University Park are required to meet a standard of 90 percent or better on all graded assessments. Students work independently through each knowledge unit to gain the knowledge and information needed to achieve the mastery-based standard.

Is iSchool High a non profit?

iSchool High at University Park is part of ResponsiveEd, a non-profit charter school organization that has been in existence since 1998. ResponsiveEd is fully accredited through the Texas Education Agency and is also accredited through AdvancEd.
