isd 112 parent portal

by Margaret Wunsch 6 min read

What is the parent portal?

The Parent Portal is also where you can find the latest district and school announcements and select your preferences for receiving email communications from your child’s school. How do I get an account? Infinite Campus Parent Portal accounts are set up for parents/guardians when you enroll in any school in the district.

Can I use the Centennial ISD12 Infinite Campus Parent Portal?

Use of the Centennial ISD12 Infinite Campus Parent Portal implies consent with the ISD12 Technology Acceptable Use and Safety Policy . For mobile device instructions, click here .

How do I download the Infinite Campus portal for parents?

Campus Mobile Portal for Parents: Get your Campus Portal information when you want it. To download, go to the App Store on your mobile phone and search for Infinite Campus Portal. Download the App, it will ask for your District " Eastern Carver County Schools " and State " MN ".

How do I update my household information in the parent portal?

UPDATE INFORMATION: Parents/guardians have the ability to update household information (phone number, address, cell phone, work phone, and email) through the Parent Portal. This information will be applied to all of your students enrolled in ISD 622 schools. Simply click on 'More' and then the Address or Family Information you wish to update.


We Are Exceptional Personalized Learning

Our students are given the power to shape their education, supported by high academic standards and guided by caring and knowledgeable staff. Personalized learning created learners who are motivated and excited about coming to school.

Happening at Eastern Carver

Our weather can change quickly this time of year. In the event of a weather-related school closing or late start/early release, parents will be contacted as soon as possible by email and/or phone.

Purposeful Learning

Teachers in Eastern Carver County Schools not only lead instruction but also facilitate learning for each student. They teach by guiding students towards mastery of content and instilling 21st century skills.

Engagement with Learning Tools

With teachers as facilitators, students use a variety of educational tools and resources to maximize learning. Our goal is to prepare students for success beyond high school, wherever their aspirations take them.

Collaborative Environment

We are redefining learning spaces with a variety of furniture, layouts and technology that facilitate collaboration, creativity, comfort, and safety.

Learner Voice & Choice

Students have the freedom to design the way they showcase their learning based on individual styles, experiences, passions, and needs. Respected as capable co-designers, learner agency is cultivated throughout all learning.


Schoology is a social media-type interface where teachers can post assignments, class documents, resources, and calendar events for upcoming projects. It can also serve as a digital extension of the classroom, enabling online discussion of course content, submission of assignments, and more.


Seesaw is a platform that PreK-3 (and some 4th and 5th grade) students can use to showcase what they’re learning and doing at school with their families. Students can add voice recordings, photos, videos, drawings, notes and much more. Families can see all of this, connecting them to their child’s classroom.

Titan School Solutions (Lunch Account)

Titan School Solutions is an online tool parents can use to load money into their student’s lunch account and to see their student’s lunch purchases. Titan can also be used to apply for educational benefits such as free and reduced price meals.

iPad Handbook and Resources

To learn more about district-issued iPads for all students, please read the iPad Family Handbook or check out our iPad Student Resources on our iPads for All page by clicking on the images below.

Can you use Parent Portal for illegal activities?

Users will not attempt to access data or any account owned by another user. Users will not use the Parent Portal for any illegal activity , including violation of Data Privacy laws. Anyone found to be in violation of these laws may be subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution.

Is Campus Parent a privilege?

Access to the Campus Parent is a privilege, not a right. The District reserves the right to deny access to anyone and to add or delete functions from Campus Parent at any time. Users of Campus Parent are required to adhere to the following: Users will act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner.
