isd 2142 parent portal

by Ms. Alexane Sporer 10 min read

How do parents access student information in Austin ISD?

In Austin ISD, parents are able to access all their student's educational information in one place: the Parent Portal! The most frequently used applications by parents are: 1. Parent Self Serve This application allows parents to access their student's attendance and grade records.

How do I Register my child for the 2021-22 school year?

Student Registration Beginning January 4, 2021, parents can register a new student for the 2021-2022 school year through Parent Self-Serve or go straight to the AISD Student Registration system once they are logged into the Portal. Go to Student Registration information >

What is the parent portal?

The Parent Portal serves as the primary resource for all of the services provided online to our parents. This site gives parents direct access into their child's classroom information, registration to your child's campus, district-wide information and links to other often used services. Let's Talk! 4000 S.

How do I sign up for K12 Parent Portal?

STEP 1: Log in to Parent Portal. If you do not have a login, email STEP 2: Complete your ONLINE REGISTRATION using this link: ONLINE REGISTRATION LINK STEP 3: Look for an email when your enrollment is approved. STEP 4: Complete the Application for Education Benefits with this the link.



Schoology is a social media-type interface where teachers can post assignments, class documents, resources, and calendar events for upcoming projects. It can also serve as a digital extension of the classroom, enabling online discussion of course content, submission of assignments, and more.


Seesaw is a platform that PreK-3 (and some 4th and 5th grade) students can use to showcase what they’re learning and doing at school with their families. Students can add voice recordings, photos, videos, drawings, notes and much more. Families can see all of this, connecting them to their child’s classroom.

Titan School Solutions (Lunch Account)

Titan School Solutions is an online tool parents can use to load money into their student’s lunch account and to see their student’s lunch purchases. Titan can also be used to apply for educational benefits such as free and reduced price meals.

iPad Handbook and Resources

To learn more about district-issued iPads for all students, please read the iPad Family Handbook or check out our iPad Student Resources on our iPads for All page by clicking on the images below.

Can you use Parent Portal for illegal activities?

Users will not attempt to access data or any account owned by another user. Users will not use the Parent Portal for any illegal activity , including violation of Data Privacy laws. Anyone found to be in violation of these laws may be subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution.

Is Campus Parent a privilege?

Access to the Campus Parent is a privilege, not a right. The District reserves the right to deny access to anyone and to add or delete functions from Campus Parent at any time. Users of Campus Parent are required to adhere to the following: Users will act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner.

Where is the 24 hour drop off box in the district office?

Items may be sent to school with students, dropped off at the school or dropped at the 24 hour Community Education drop box located outside door B2 near the District Office.

What grades do Centennial schools serve breakfast?

Breakfast is served to students in grades K-12 and lunch is served in all of the Centennial Schools daily. The secondary schools offer several lunch meal choices as well as ala carte.

Welcome to Campus Parent Support

Infinite Campus is our District’s student information system. Stay up to date on schedules, grades, assignments, attendance, lunch accounts and more.

Campus Mobile App Access

If you’re interested in using a mobile device to access the Campus Parent Portal, download the Campus Parent app by Infinite Campus from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

Access Campus Parent

If you don’t have a Campus Parent Portal login yet, please fill out this form to get signed up.
