isd12 parent portal

by Jared Mohr 4 min read

Can I use the Centennial ISD12 Infinite Campus Parent Portal?

Use of the Centennial ISD12 Infinite Campus Parent Portal implies consent with the ISD12 Technology Acceptable Use and Safety Policy . For mobile device instructions, click here .

How do I download the Infinite Campus portal for parents?

Campus Mobile Portal for Parents: Get your Campus Portal information when you want it. To download, go to the App Store on your mobile phone and search for Infinite Campus Portal. Download the App, it will ask for your District " Eastern Carver County Schools " and State " MN ".

How do I update my household information in the parent portal?

UPDATE INFORMATION: Parents/guardians have the ability to update household information (phone number, address, cell phone, work phone, and email) through the Parent Portal. This information will be applied to all of your students enrolled in ISD 622 schools. Simply click on 'More' and then the Address or Family Information you wish to update.

When does registration start for the 2022 Centennial School District?

Registration for families living in the Centennial School District begins January 10, 2022. Click "more" for information sessions at our schools! Children, ages 3-5, are invited to attend the Cougar Cubs Preschool, March 15-May 29.


What grades do Centennial schools serve breakfast?

Breakfast is served to students in grades K-12 and lunch is served in all of the Centennial Schools daily. The secondary schools offer several lunch meal choices as well as ala carte.

Where is the 24 hour drop off box in the district office?

Items may be sent to school with students, dropped off at the school or dropped at the 24 hour Community Education drop box located outside door B2 near the District Office.

School Board Approves Superintendent Contract

The Centennial School Board appointed Jeff Holmberg, interim superintendent of schools, as the district's superintendent.

Registration for the 2022-2023 School Year is Open for Families Residing in the Centennial School District

Click on "More" to register! Registration is open for families in the Centennial School District!

Kindergarten Registration and Information: Class of 2035

Look for kindergarten registration information arriving in your mailbox early January. Registration for families living in the Centennial School District begins January 10, 2022. Click "more" for information sessions at our schools!

A Call for Preschoolers to Participate in Playschool

Children, ages 3-5, are invited to attend the Cougar Cubs Preschool, March 15-May 29. Programming is developed and led by Centennial High School Child Psychology II students. Reserve your spot by February 28!

Student Technology Information

All students have a unique computer login, Google, and Schoology account. These accounts have been linked to a single username and password which can be managed at anytime. To learn more about these accounts and how to access, please visit the following help documents: K-12 Student Technology Account Information


More information about all the schools in the Centennial School District.

Support Services and Career Center

Centennial High School counselors help students grow personally and socially.


The District has an anti-bullying policy in place, and the new legislation--the Safe and Supportive Schools Act--has expanded the responsibilities of bullying and cyberbullying prohibition for school districts.

What is a Flexible E-Learning Day?

School's closed? Learn more about Centennial's Flexible E-Learning Days.

Can you use Parent Portal for illegal activities?

Users will not attempt to access data or any account owned by another user. Users will not use the Parent Portal for any illegal activity , including violation of Data Privacy laws. Anyone found to be in violation of these laws may be subject to civil and/or criminal prosecution.

Is Campus Parent a privilege?

Access to the Campus Parent is a privilege, not a right. The District reserves the right to deny access to anyone and to add or delete functions from Campus Parent at any time. Users of Campus Parent are required to adhere to the following: Users will act in a responsible, ethical and legal manner.
