istep 2017 parent portal

by Salvatore Von 10 min read

How to contact ISTEP?

Login questions, and technical questions should be addressed to the following. ISTEP+ Parent Network for Grades 3-8: Call 1-800-481-4769. General ISTEP+ Questions: Call 1-888-544-7837. Complete listing of all of Indiana's Assessments.

What is ISTEP in Indiana?

In particular, ISTEP+ reports student achievement levels according to the Indiana Academic Standards that were adopted by the Indiana State Board of Education. An Applied Skills Assessment is completed during Part 1 in February/March and a Multiple-Choice Assessment is completed during Part 2 in April/May, which are required components of the ISTEP+ program, are used to measure these standards.

What is the IDOE toolkit?

IDOE's English/LA Toolkits and Math Toolkits should be used to refer back to the IAS standards identified by the IDOE as standards that may be assessed on the Applied Skills and Multiple Choice tests.
