istep parent portal zionsville

by Millie Dickinson 7 min read

Why Zionsville Community Schools?

The ZCS Mission: Zionsville Community Schools provide customized 21st century experiences that ensure maximum student growth leading to productive citizenship in the world community.

How do I register for the Indiana online ISTEP+?

Email the completed form to P.O.s accepted at time of registration. The Indiana Online ISTEP+ courses are designed as a self-evaluative preparatory review in Mathematics 10 and English 10. It is suggested that the student begin the Indiana Online course approximately 3 weeks before the scheduled testing date.

What is ISTEP?

What is istep? iSTEP is a lifestyle app featuring aspects of Social-Fi and Game-Fi. Users using NFT Sneakers can earn ISTEP by walking, jogging, or running outdoors. ISTEP can be used to level up and buy new Sneakers.


How to create a parent/guardian account on PowerSchool?

In order to create a parent/guardian account, click “Create Account” on the PowerSchool homepage. The top section is about you as the parent/guardian and the username and password you would like to use. The bottom section is for linking each child to your account.

Can parents sign on to PowerSchool?

Parents have the capability to create a single sign-on for PowerSchool so that they can login just once and be able to see information for all their children. Parents will be able to choose their own usernames and passwords.
