italy parent portal

by Celine Herzog 9 min read

What is the parenting style in Italy?

Everyone Loves Babies and Children The overarching theme in Italian parenting styles is that this country loves kids. Although they raise their children to respect their parents and grandparents, Italians thoroughly welcome childhood. Italians do not worry about their children making a scene or behaving in a way that is, well, childish.

Should Italian parents keep up with American parenthood “shoulds?

Keeping up with the American parenthood “shoulds” is a full-time job. And some experts worry that it removes reliance on instinct and intuition about what is right for your family. Italian parents couldn’t be more different. Raising children in Italy may feel like night and day to parents coming from the US.

What is it like to be a child in Italy?

Italian children are allowed to be children without parents needing to explain their behavior or make excuses. Children simply are. They are not an imposition, and they are not in the way. When tempers flare, and they do, parents generally go about their business without giving the tantrum a second thought.

What would our Italian parenting counterparts think about breastfeeding in Italy?

Our Italian parenting counterparts likely would be bewildered or even horrified that this required legal protection is necessary. Breastfeeding in public in Italy is entirely normal, expected, and barely even noticed. Except for an occasional smiling nod from a passing nonna, no one will pay any attention.


What is the Marist College Parents Council?

The Marist College Parents Council is an important part of the College’s effort to build and strengthen relationships across the entire Marist community. The Council is comprised of current parents who serve in an advisory capacity, creating a unique community of philanthropic leaders and College ambassadors. To learn more about the Council and how to become involved, visit the Parents Council.

What is the Marist Parents Fund?

The Parents Fund is the part of the Marist Fund which is comprised of unrestricted support from Parents, Grandparents, and other family members of Marist students and graduates. Last year, we had over 1,100 families give $268,516 to Marist through the Parents Fund .

What are the consular districts in Rome?

The Rome consular district includes the regions of Lazio, Marche, Umbria, Abruzzo, and Sardinia. The Florence consular district includes the regions of Tuscany and Emilia-Romagna (all except the Provinces of Piacenza and Parma), as well as the Republic of San Marino.

Is Italy on a level 3 visa?

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention  (CDC) has issued a Level 3 Travel Health Notice for Italy due to COVID-19, indicating a high level of COVID-19 in the country. There are restrictions in place affecting U.S. citizen entry into Italy.

Do parents have to retain a lawyer in Italy?

Parents or legal guardians are not required to retain a private attorney in order to file a Hague Abduction Convention application with a court in Italy. The ICA assigns a legal representative to present the case to the court. However, the legal representative does not represent the left-behind parent or the legal guardian who submitted the Hague Abduction Convention application; instead, the legal representative represents Italy and submits the request for return on behalf of the Italian Minister of Justice.

Can a parent file for child abduction in Italy?

A parent or legal guardian may file an application under the Hague Abduction Convention for return to the United States of a child abducted to, or wrongfully retained in, Italy. The U.S. Department of State can assist parents living in the United States to understand whether the Convention is an available civil remedy and can provide information on the process for submitting a Hague application.

What is the theme of Italian parenting?

Everyone Loves Babies and Children. The overarching theme in Italian parenting styles is that this country loves kids. Although they raise their children to respect their parents and grandparents, Italians thoroughly welcome childhood. Italians do not worry about their children making a scene or behaving in a way that is, well, childish.

Why is it not embarrassing to be Italian?

The reason it isn’t embarrassing is that no one else cares, either! Italian children are allowed to be children without parents needing to explain their behavior or make excuses. Children simply are. They are not an imposition, and they are not in the way.

Is Italian parenthood a full time job?

Keeping up with the American parenthood “shoulds” is a full-time job. And some experts worry that it removes reliance on instinct and intuition about what is right for your family. Italian parents couldn’t be more different. Raising children in Italy may feel like night and day to parents coming from the US.

Is breastfeeding in Italy normal?

Breastfeeding in public in Italy is entirely normal, expected, and barely even noticed. Except for an occasional smiling nod from a passing nonna, no one will pay any attention. Unlike in America, people in Italy do not find it offensive for mothers to nurse their babies in public.

Is it normal to have babies in Italy?

When raising a family in Italy, you can forget about bedtimes, because they are not part of the Italian parenting culture. It is completely normal in Italy to see babies, toddlers, and older children at restaurants with parents late into the evening.

Do Italian parents have temper tantrums?

Tantrums Are No Big Thing for Italian Parents. For the most part, American parents seem to believe that they must intervene and stop a temper tantrum as quickly as possible. This underlying thought is that we are rude by allowing our kids to cry and yell in public.

Is there an abundance of data for parents to access about child development?

Anyone raising children in the United States knows that there is an abundance of available data for parents to access about child development. It seems that every week there is another new study that tells parents how they should be with their kids.

How long do you have to take maternity leave in Italy?

In Italy, maternity leave is compulsory and women must take up to two months off from work before her due date and three months off after the baby's birth. In certain scenarios, women may ask their employers for more time off before the baby's due date if her pregnancy is considered at risk and if her workplace puts her health or her baby's in ...

How is the Maternity Allowance funded?

Maternity allowance. These pensions are funded by the INPS ( National Institute for Social Security) which are financed by the employers and employees through the rate established by the employment sector. Workers can either be paid from INPS or through the employer who is compensated by the INPS. During the five-month leave, women are paid up ...

How many weeks of maternity leave is required?

The Maternity Protection Convention, 2000 requires at least 14 weeks of maternity leave. In the European Union, the Pregnant Workers Directive requires at least 14 weeks of maternity leave; while the Work–Life Balance Directive requires at least 10 days of paternity leave, as well as at least 4 months of parental leave, ...

How much do women get paid for inps?

Workers can either be paid from INPS or through the employer who is compensated by the INPS. During the five-month leave, women are paid up to 80% of their wage but companies usually pay for the remainder 20%.

Is maternity leave compulsory in Italy?

It is unclear if Italy's system has significance in its own right. Please help improve this article if you can. In Italy, maternity leave is compulsory and women must take up to two months off from work before her due date ...
