jackrabbitclass parent portal

by Matt Abernathy 8 min read

Why doesn't jackrabbit support parent portal login?

Our Parent Portal Login is under SSL, and most browsers do not share sessions or cookies across domains and do not like mixing SSL and non-SSL pages. Having the Portal login embedded into your own webpage can cause customer "session time out" errors (and other errors as well). Also, Jackrabbit does not support SAML.

How does jackrabbit Notify me when an absence is scheduled?

When set to YES, Jackrabbit will send an additional email notification to the email address you enter advising that an absence has been scheduled. Refer to Parent Portal Absence & Makeup Settings - Organization Defaults for more details.

How do parents view class details in the parent portal?

View Details Link in Class Card - a link has been added in the My Schedule section of the Parent Portal for active students. A parent can click the View Details link to read the class description. (This enhancement is included for Care Edition)

How do I add the parent portal to my website?

Access to your Parent Portal can be added to your website using a simple hyperlink (no plug-ins required or needed). The best place to add the link is in your website Header so it's accessible from every page on your site. If you can not alter your header, then the Home page and any Registration pages should be used.


How to access parent portal?

Click Go to the Parent Portal quick link to access the portal login page. Be sure Activate Portal check box is checked, this activates the Parent Portal access and will automatically add a link Already a customer? Click here to login to the top of your Online Registration form too!

Does Jackrabbit collect donations?

Jackrabbit offers the ability to collect charitable donations from your families in the parent portal and allows you to set the donation amount s.

What is Jackrabbit class portal?

Keeping parents in tune with what their child is learning is a great way to keep them coming back for more! The Jackrabbit Class Parent Portal helps parents see what their student is working on, what they need to focus on, and what they have accomplished.

What is parent portal?

The parent portal offers a quick option for parents to enroll their children in classes and events at your youth activity center. The easier the enrollment process is, the more enrollment you will have. Am I right?

Can parents see makeup classes?

When you and your staff take attendance through the Staff Portal, parents can also see this from their end in the Jackrabbit Class Parent Portal. This is super helpful if you offer makeup classes for your program. With a few quick rules, parents can login to their Parent Portal to let you know about future absences and schedule their own makeup classes. Think about the staff hours you’ll save when you begin sharing this responsibility with parents!

Does Jackrabbit have a parent portal?

As with other parts of Jackrabbit, the parent portal allows you to customize settings. Not only can you control what automated email notifications your organization receives, but you can also determine if your parents should or should not receive email notifications of enrollments done through the portal.

What do parents see when they login to the Parent Portal?

The first thing parents will see when they login to the Parent Portal is the login message if you choose to use one. This is a great way to send a warm welcome and inform parents of any important information that you don’t want them to miss.

Can you create a message on the dashboard?

If you have a message for a particular family, you can create a message that will show up on the dashboard once they log in. Whether you want to ask Ms. Thomas to stop by the office the next time she brings Sally to dance to get her account up to date, or you want to congratulate Susan on mastering her front roll in tumble class – you can completely customize the message for that family, giving it a personal touch.

How to enroll students in a class in a parent portal?

In order for your parents to enroll students into classes in the Portal, the Classes checkbox must be selected in your Parent Portal Settings. The Enroll Students option must also be selected (Gear icon > Settings > Parent Portal > Settings tab> Class Enrollment Settings). Refer to Set Up the Parent Portal for more information.

Does a class add to cart complete enrollment?

A confirmation that the class has been added to their cart will display in a pop-up. Adding a class to the cart does NOT COMPLETE the class enrollment. At this point the class is only added to the cart and the parent is taken back to the listing where they can continue to select classes and add them to their cart.

Can you remove classes from cart?

When all desired classes have been added to the cart, the parent must click on the cart icon in the top menu and click the Enroll Now button to complete the enrollments.

Does Holly Ager go to the cart?

Holly Ager adds a Hip Hop class to her cart; it only has one opening left. She does not go to the cart to compete the enrollment because she wants to look for other classes.
