james franklin smith elementary school parent portal

by Prof. Alphonso Herzog II 10 min read

What is the mission of James Franklin Smith Elementary?

The mission of James Franklin Smith Elementary School is captured in our school motto: "Learning Today, Leading Tomorrow". We strive to develop the intellectual, physical and emotional capacities of each child by providing a strong foundation in academics and social-emotional growth. What is ParentSquare?

How do I make an appointment with Franklin Smith Elementary School?

Please call Franklin Smith Elementary at (816) 874-3640 to make an appointment. Appointments will last about an hour. Your enrolling kindergartener - We will provide a kindergarten screening and share important information about the school.

What are the age requirements to enroll in Franklin Smith Elementary?

Students must be 5 years of age before August 1, 2022. Appointments are required for enrollment and screening. Please call Franklin Smith Elementary at (816) 874-3640 to make an appointment. Appointments will last about an hour.

Where can parents find information about JFS parent hub?

Details in story. Our Parent Hub provides quick access to resources, news, events, and general information that JFS parents need daily. Parents can access this page directly at jfsmith.eesd.org/parenthub.



At FSE we Make learning meaningful by Understanding differences and Showing respect and kindness to others. We Try our best, Achieve goals, Never give up, and Get better everyday!

2021-22 Yearbooks Are On Sale

FSE yearbooks are on sale for a minimum $14. Please go to ybpay.com to order yours today, using the yearbook ID Code of 14149722 or call the office for an order form. If ordering online, deadline is 3/13/22. If you complete an order form, those need to be turned in by February 25th.

Light up the Night Family Dance and Party

Light up the Night will be held on Friday, February 25th from 7pm-8:30pm in the FSE school gym. Wear neon or white, so we can light up the night! Tickets are $5 per person until February 18th or $8 per person at the door. Tickets include DJ, glow bracelets, fun and games, snacks and refreshments, and more. Cash or checks accepted.

2022-2023 Kindergarten Enrollment

Students must be 5 years of age before August 1, 2022. Appointments are required for enrollment and screening. Please call Franklin Smith Elementary at (816) 874-3640 to make an appointment. Appointments will last about an hour.

Overview of James Franklin Smith Elementary

James Franklin Smith Elementary is a public school located in San Jose, CA, which is in a large city setting. The student population of James Franklin Smith Elementary is 620 and the school serves K-6.

James Franklin Smith Elementary 2021 Rankings

James Franklin Smith Elementary is ranked #431 in California Elementary Schools. Schools are ranked on their performance on state-required tests, graduation, and how well they prepare their students for high school. Read more about how we rank the Best Elementary Schools.

Ranking Factors

How James Franklin Smith Elementary placed statewide out of 5534 schools ranked in California.

Test Scores at James Franklin Smith Elementary

At James Franklin Smith Elementary, 77% of students scored at or above the proficient level for math, and 83% scored at or above that level for reading. Compared with the district, the school did better in math and better in reading, according to this metric.


This information relates to schools run by this school's state operating agency. Many districts contain only one school.


This is the percentage of students that scored at or above proficiency levels on their state reading/language arts assessment test. Because states implement these tests differently, use caution when comparing this data to data from another state.


Based on racial and economic diversity and survey responses on school culture and diversity from students and parents.


Student-Teacher Ratio may not be indicative of class size. It is calculated using the reported number of students and full-time equivalent teachers.

James Franklin Smith Elementary School Reviews

I have two kids that go to James Franklin Smith and I couldn't be happier. We have really experienced teachers that care for the children and do their very best to give them a well-rounded education. I feel the JFS has created a safe environment for my kids. I like the way the school has included in enrichment programs during the pandemic.
