jamestown area school district parent access portal

by Amy Conn 5 min read

How do I contact Jamestown Area School District?

Jamestown Area School District. 204 Shenango Street, Jamestown, Pa 16134. District Phone:(724) 932-5557. FAX: 724-932-5632. High School Phone:(724) 932-3186.

What is the PowerSchool Parent Portal?

The PowerSchool Parent Portal enables parents and students to access real‐time information about student progress in school. Students may use Parent Portal to stay on top of their grades and assignments; parents may use the Portal to review their child's attendance, grades and assignments, school bulletins and messages from the teacher.

Is the parent portal open to all parents?

The Parent Portal is open to all interested parents for all schools. Please remember this is not instant access each parent request must be validated by the hosting school. All Parent Access validation will be performed on Friday's. Please click (click here) to download the user guide.

What is the access code for the parent portal?

The access code is unique for each student whose information is to be accessed through Parent Portal. In order to protect student data privacy, you will be required to verify your identity before you are provided your child's access code.


What is access code?

The access code is unique for each student whose information is to be accessed through Parent Portal. In order to protect student data privacy, you will be required to verify your identity before you are provided your child's access code.

Can access codes be provided by email?

Access codes may be provided in person or by mail to the address on file in our student information system, however, access codes may not be provided by telephone or email. Once you have created a Parent Portal account, you will be able to manage your account information, link any and all students for whom you have parental or legal rights, ...

How does Parent Portal work?

Parent Portal is accessible through any web browser, as well as through a mobile app. Students can access their own class information, while parents can create a single account that enables them to view the progress of multiple children, even if they attend different schools.

What is PowerSchool Parent Portal?

The PowerSchool Parent Portal enables parents and students to access real‐time information about student progress in school. Students may use Parent Portal to stay on top of their grades and assignments; parents may use the Portal to review their child's attendance, grades and assignments, school bulletins and messages from the teacher. Teachers may also use Parent Portal to communicate directly with parents about student progress.
