janesville school district parent portal

by Prof. Ulices Kutch 6 min read

How do I contact the school district of Janesville?

School District of Janesville 527 S. Franklin St., Janesville WI 53548 Phone:(608) 743-5000 Fax: (608) 743-7491 Enrollment Information(opens in new window/tab) Employment Opportunities(opens in new window/tab)

When is it time to enroll in Janesville Public Schools?

If you have a child turning 5 (five) years old on or before September 1, 2021, and they are not currently enrolled in a School District of Janesville Pre-school for Janesville (P4J) or Early Childhood (EC) program, it is time to enroll in the Janesville Public School District.

Can parents request early entrance to kindergarten in Janesville?

The law allows the School District of Janesville (SDJ) to adopt policies providing parents with an option to request early entrance to Kindergarten.

What school district is arise in Janesville?

Arise Virtual Academy Rock River Charter School Rock University High School TAGOS Leadership Academy Translate Element Translate Search Trigger Search Trigger Drawer Trigger Menu Main Container Main Container About Us School District of Janesville 527 S. Franklin St., Janesville WI 53548 Phone:(608) 743-5000 Fax: (608) 743-7491


What is student registration in Janesville?

Student registration takes place for all students who are already enrolled with the School District of Janesville. (If your student has not attended school with the School District of Janesville this past year, please click the New Student Enrollment tab).

When will parents be informed of open enrollment?

Parents will be informed in June whether their open enrollment applications have been approved or denied. The student’s school or program placement will be provided in June. If you have questions, please contact the Open Enrollment Specialist at 743-5152.

How to contact Deen Hartley?

If you are the parent of an elementary student and will be moving over the summer months when the elementary schools are closed, please contact Open Enrollment Specialist Deen Hartley at 743-5152 or the New Student Enrollment Office at 743-5072 or 743-5153 to complete the appropriate paperwork. Due to Parent Choice:

Where is the new student enrollment office?

Enrollment will take place by appointment only, at the Educational Services Center located at 527 S. Franklin St. (administration building) in the New Student Enrollment office. You may call 608-743-5153 or 608-743-5152 to make an appointment to enroll.

When is open enrollment for 2021?

The open enrollment application period for the 2021-2022 school year is from February 1, 2021 – April 30 , 2021.

Do you need an application for each sibling in Janesville?

For example, if a family has one child in elementary school that has been approved for open enrollment and a new student entering kindergarten next year, the student entering kindergarten must apply for open enrollment in order to attend the School District of Janesville.

Can alternative enrollment be approved?

As a reminder, alternative open enrollment applications are not exceptions to a school district’s approval/denial criteria. If a district has filled all its spaces with applications submitted during the regular application period, then alternative applications cannot be approved.
