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by Mrs. Christelle Howe 7 min read

Rude, Mean, or Bullying?

Rude, Mean, or Bullying? Understanding the differences in unkind behavior versus bullying (intentionally aggressive behavior, repeated over time, that involves an imbalance of power) can be challenging, but is important when it comes to how to support your child.

Why do we start the school year by establishing routines and expectations?

Grace and courtesy – In Montessori schools, children are formally instructed in social skills they will use throughout their lives, for example, saying “please” and “thank you,” interrupting conversations politely, requesting rather than demanding assistance, and greeting guests warmly.

Montessori in 18 Minutes

What is the magic of a Montessori education and how does a Montessori classroom enable the child to develop independence, perseverance, and mastery through self-motivation and learning from peers? This video is a must-see that answers these questions and more.
