jcps online parent portal

by Cleve Walker 3 min read

What is the parental access portal?

The portal lets parents view their child's records anywhere, anytime. In response to the privilege of accessing the site, every parent is expected to act in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner. The portal is available to every parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the JCPS District.

What does the JCPS Health Services Department do?

The staff of the JCPS Health Services Department works to promote healthy lifestyles and to ensure healthy learning environments throughout the school district. Find out about school health requirements or Head Start health requirements.

How do I get a transfer to JCPS?

Approval is based on several factors, including extenuating circumstances and available space. There are three steps to requesting a transfer: Visit the online application website. Click on Current Student. (Is your family new to JCPS?

What does JCPS do to help English learners?

Search JCPS forms. JCPS Language Services provides language support to help the district communicate effectively with English learners and their families in their native languages. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online.


Cynthia Davis - Classified Employee of the Month

Cynthia Davis was named the Classified Employee of the Month at the Johnston County Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 8. Read More

Meagan Parrish - Certified Employee of the Month

Meagan Parrish was named the Certified Employee of the Month at the Johnston County Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, Feb. 8. Read More

SJHS student appointed to State Superintendent Student Advisory Council

Reagan Williford is a shining star of Johnston County Public Schools. Born and raised in the small township of Meadow, Reagan comes off as shy and soft spoken with a sweet, southern charm. Read More

Katie Owens - Certified Employee of the Month

Katie Owens was named the Certified Employee of the Month at the Johnston County Board of Education meeting on Tuesday, Jan. 11. Read More

What is PowerSchool in Johnston County?

PowerSchool is a comprehensive student information system that will enable Johnston County Public Schools to easily manage a wealth of information online: grades, transcripts, report cards, assessments, and daily attendance .

What is PowerSchool NC?

WHAT IS POWERSCHOOL? PowerSchool is North Carolina's new student information system. Since PowerSchool is web-based, this information can easily and safely be shared with parents through the PowerSchool Parent portal. With PowerSchool, parents will be able to access vital information about their children quickly and accurately.
