jcps parent portal app

by Asa Reichert 4 min read

How to apply to JCPS?

Application Steps 1 Register You'll need to register first if: Your child is starting kindergarten. You are new to JCPS. Learn how to register. 2 Choose Your School JCPS boosts academic success by letting you apply to the school that best meets your child's needs and interests. ... 3 Apply

What is the JCPS school finder and how does it work?

The JCPS School Finder is an online tool that shows you which schools serve your home address. You also may want to learn about the district's school choices and check out specific school websites.

What services do JCPS schools provide for students with learning disabilities?

All JCPS schools provide resource services for students with learning, behavior, or mild mental disabilities. Special class services are provided for students with learning, behavior, or mild mental disabilities at all comprehensive middle and high schools.

What does JCPS do to help English learners?

Search JCPS forms. JCPS Language Services provides language support to help the district communicate effectively with English learners and their families in their native languages. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online.


What is PowerSchool in Johnston County?

PowerSchool is a comprehensive student information system that will enable Johnston County Public Schools to easily manage a wealth of information online: grades, transcripts, report cards, assessments, and daily attendance .

What is PowerSchool NC?

WHAT IS POWERSCHOOL? PowerSchool is North Carolina's new student information system. Since PowerSchool is web-based, this information can easily and safely be shared with parents through the PowerSchool Parent portal. With PowerSchool, parents will be able to access vital information about their children quickly and accurately.

Steps for Submitting Transfer Applications

All student transfer applications must be submitted online. Please follow these steps:

Requesting a Student Transfer If You Are Coming From Another County or State

If your child is applying for a student transfer and they were previously enrolled in another county or state, you will need to submit the following documents for middle and high school applications:

How does JCPs help you?

JCPS boosts academic success by letting you apply to the school that best meets your child's needs and interests. If you haven't explored your options yet, now is the time to learn about JCPS school choices.

Do you need to apply for magnet school in Louisville?

You have moved. You're interested in an optional program, magnet program, magnet school, or an Academies of Louisville school in your network. No, you do not need to apply if either of these things is true: Your child is continuing at the same school as last year, and you have not moved.
