jcps parent portal bus finder

by Rosie Wyman 8 min read

How do I Find my bus number in JCPS?

The JCPS Transportation Department launched its Bus Finder web page today. The web page allows parents, guardians or students to enter their home address and school to find their bus number, nearest bus stop, and pickup times.

What is JCPS doing to keep families safe on school buses?

In addition, JCPS is giving families information about the health and safety protocols that will be followed on every bus, every day that school is in session: Hand sanitizer will be available for students as they step on the bus, and masks will be worn by students and the driver at all times unless they have a medical waiver;

How do I track my Child’s progress at JCPS?

Get help with Clever, The JCPS Digital Backpack of Success Skills, Google Classroom, Access to Parent Portal and more. The portal lets you track your child’s attendance, assignments, daily grades, and class schedule as well as bus and health information.

Who is responsible for getting my child to and from the bus?

Parents are responsible to get their child to and from the bus stop safely. Please continue to check Bus Finder for updates on times, stops, and bus numbers. If there have been ANY changes in your transportation plans, please call your school ASAP.


What is the JCPS parent portal?

The JCPS Parent Portal (run by Infinite Campus) allows you to track your child’s academic progress and develop a partnership with your child’s teachers. Infinite Campus is a secure and convenient way to monitor your child’s attendance, assignments, daily grades, and class schedule as well as bus and health information.

Who can access the JCPs portal?

The portal is available to every parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the JCPS District. Parents/Guardians are required to adhere to the following guidelines: Parents/Guardians will not share their password with anyone, including their child.

Who must notify the JCPS District of a security problem?

Parents/Guardians who identify a security problem with the JCPS Parent Portal must notify the JCPS District or the local school immediately, without demonstrating the problem to anyone else.

Can parents use the JCPs Parent Portal?

Parents/Guardians will not use the JCPS Parent Portal for any illegal activity, including violation of Data Privacy laws.

Do students need to wear masks on buses?

Hand sanitizer will be available for students as they step on the bus, and masks will be worn by students and the driver at all times unless they have a medical waiver;

Do bus drivers clean the seats?

Bus drivers will clean and sanitize the high touch areas inside their bus – handrails, window handles, backs, tops and sides of seats – after each run, with a deep cleaning at the end of the day.

What is JCPS school Finder?

The JCPS School Finder is an online tool that shows you which schools serve your home address.

What is JCPS language services?

JCPS Language Services provides language support to help the district communicate effectively with English learners and their families in their native languages.

What organizations are partnering with JCPs?

Many Louisville organization s (such as Boys and Girls Clubs) have partnered with JCPS to provide Learning Places that offer after-school educational programs.

What is the 15th district PTA?

The 15th District Parent Teacher Association (PTA) advocates for children throughout Jefferson County and supports several activities and programs that boost academic achievement, including the Clothing Assistance Program (CAP) .

Does JCPs have a website?

Most JCPS elementary, middle, and high schools have their own websites. Click here for a list .

Why are there fewer kids on the bus?

Because all students are on a hybrid schedule, there will be fewer kids on a bus each day. Some routes have been consolidated, which could mean some changes from last year’s bus schedule.

Do you have to wear masks on JCPS buses?

JCPS has also announced its protocol for buses, which includes assigned seats for every student. Students and bus drivers will also be required to wear masks unless they have a medical waiver.
