jcps parent portal district code

by Mr. Enos Schowalter V 3 min read

How do I find a list of JCPS schools?

The JCPS School Finder is an online tool that shows you which schools serve your home address. You also may want to learn about the district's school choices and check out specific school websites. View a printable school directory here. Most JCPS elementary, middle, and high schools have their own websites. Click here for a list .

What is the JCPS ID portal?

Welcome to the JCPS ID Portal. This Portal serves as a self help tool for staff and students to reset passwords for Active Directory (AD) and Google. This portal will provide: All JCPS staff and students will be required to use the new JCPS ID Portal to reset passwords for AD and Google.

What is the JCPS Parent Portal policy for parents and guardians?

Parents/Guardians will not attempt to harm or destroy data of their own child, of another user, of the school district network, or from the Internet through the JCPS Parent Portal. Parents/Guardians will not use the JCPS Parent Portal for any illegal activity, including violation of Data Privacy laws.

Is there a portal for Jefferson County public schools?

Our portal has age appropriate tasks for every grade level. There is also information about additional educational resources approved by Jefferson County Public Schools your children already use in school. Have fun with these rich experiences that truly make learning fun! Choice Board Portal


How do I reset my Jcps password?

If you already registered for Microsoft's SSPR, you will need to visit at to change/reset your password.

How do I connect to Jcps WIFI?

Now carefully follow these steps:Open your device and power it on. Make sure whenever possible you are using the provided AC charger.Enter your JCPS Student Instructional Account Username. ... Enter your Password. ... Once you login you can get to the Google Apps menu and access the Google. ... You should be all set.

What is Jcps backpack league?

The Backpack League was constructed to provide campers (all incoming third- through sixth-graders) learning opportunities that are “out-of-the-box,” project-based learning units. Campers were able to choose from such options as Kentucky in Pictures, Mutant Powers, Geocaching in the Ville, and Compassion in Action.

What is the biggest school in JCPS?

Eastern High Schoolgrade A minus.Students 2,105.Student-teacher ratio 19:1.

How do I get out of office 365 JCPS?

To completely remove this account, you'll need to do the following:Take over as the administrator for your domain according to Microsoft.Create a new Admin user under the Admin section and sign in as the new admin.Delete the old user that shares your email address.Delete the Domain from Office 365.

How do I get a Chromebook from JCPS?

Beginning Monday, families can request a device or an internet hotspot by visiting the JCPS website and filling out a request form. Families will need to put in their email address or phone number that matches district records, and answer a few questions.

What is the number one high school in Louisville Kentucky?

Louisville's Largest Public High SchoolsRankNameEnrollment in grades 9-12: 2018-191Eastern High School2,1182Jeffersonville High School2,0603Louisville Male High School2,024View This ListApr 23, 2020

What is the best school district in Kentucky?

Fort Thomas IndependentTop School Districts in Kentucky, 2020RankSchool DistrictCity1Fort Thomas IndependentFort Thomas2Mccracken CountyPaducah3Henderson CountyHenderson4Meade CountyBrandenburg46 more rows

What is the biggest high school in Louisville?

Floyd Central High Schoolgrade A.Students 1,867.Student-teacher ratio 21:1.

How do I create a school Microsoft account?

How to create a new Microsoft accountGo to, select Sign in, and then choose Create one!If you'd rather create a new email address, choose Get a new email address, choose Next, and then follow the instructions.

How do I fix work or school account?

Open Settings > System > Shared Experiences by clicking on the notification panel or press Windows + I > System > Shared Experiences.Under Accounts there may be a Fix Now button. ... If you are asked which account to use, select the one ending (not your email address)More items...

What is school work account?

A work or school account is an identity created through Azure Active Directory or another Microsoft cloud service, such as Microsoft 365. A work account typically uses an organization's custom domain name or company name, such as

What is the largest school district in Kentucky?

Madison County Public Schoolsgrade B.Total schools 20.Students 12,017.

How many black students are in JCPS?

Gender by EthnicityMaleTotalWhite24,37247,338Black or African American18,30736,000Hispanic/Latino4,7689,368Asian1,8363,6595 more rows

What does JCPS stand for?

District Profile. Largest school system in Kentucky. 30th largest school system in the United States. 79 percent of all children in Louisville/Jefferson County attend Jefferson County Public Schools (JCPS). JCPS has 16.4 percent of Kentucky teachers with National Board Certification.

How many high schools are in Jefferson County KY?

42 high schoolsJefferson County Public Schools contains 42 high schools.

What is JCPS school Finder?

The JCPS School Finder is an online tool that shows you which schools serve your home address.

What is JCPS language services?

JCPS Language Services provides language support to help the district communicate effectively with English learners and their families in their native languages.

What organizations are partnering with JCPs?

Many Louisville organization s (such as Boys and Girls Clubs) have partnered with JCPS to provide Learning Places that offer after-school educational programs.

What is the 15th district PTA?

The 15th District Parent Teacher Association (PTA) advocates for children throughout Jefferson County and supports several activities and programs that boost academic achievement, including the Clothing Assistance Program (CAP) .

Does JCPs have a website?

Most JCPS elementary, middle, and high schools have their own websites. Click here for a list .

What is PowerSchool in Johnston County?

PowerSchool is a comprehensive student information system that will enable Johnston County Public Schools to easily manage a wealth of information online: grades, transcripts, report cards, assessments, and daily attendance .

What is PowerSchool for parents?

With PowerSchool, parents will be able to access vital information about their children quickly and accurately. They can see the results of tests and assignments as soon as they are recorded, enabling them to intervene quickly and communicate with teachers and guidance counselors, if neccesary.


PowerSchool is North Carolina's new student information system. Since PowerSchool is web-based, this information can easily and safely be shared with parents through the PowerSchool Parent portal.

How to get PowerSchool login information?

In order to receive login information for PowerSchool Parent Portal, you will need to report to your child's school and present a valid photo ID. You will receive a letter at the school with an auto-generated username and password. At the bottom of your letter will be your child's username and password that will allow them to access information as well. Please give this information to your child.

Where is the login information for a student?

The student login information is located at the bottom of the letter received by parents after presenting their photo ID at the school. Students should receive their login information from their parents.

Is PowerSchool a challenge?

We recognize that PowerSchool has some challenges. However, we are working hard to minimize problems for students, parents, teachers, and administrators.

How does parental involvement affect students?

Students whose families are involved in school will be more successful. Some of the benefits of parental involvment include: 1 Student achievement increases regardless of the parent's own education, economic, or ethnic/racial background; 2 Student attitudes are more positive; 3 Negative student behavior decreases; 4 Graduation rates are higher; 5 Students have higher grades, better attendance, and complete homework more often; 6 Teachers become more enthusiastic; 7 Teachers have higher expectations for students.

What activities should a child participate in?

Attend activities in which your child participates -- field trips, school performances, student exhibits, etc.

Does student achievement increase regardless of parent's education?

Student achievement increases regardless of the parent's own education, economic, or ethnic/racial background;

Where to send proof of address to JCPS?

After you register online, you'll need to take proof of address to a JCPS school or registration site, or you may email it to

Do you have to register for JCPS?

All students in kindergarten through grade twelve who have not previously attended a JCPS school need to register online. Students must be registered before they can apply to JCPS schools.

How does JCPs help you?

JCPS boosts academic success by letting you apply to the school that best meets your child's needs and interests. If you haven't explored your options yet, now is the time to learn about JCPS school choices.

Do you need to apply for magnet school in Louisville?

You have moved. You're interested in an optional program, magnet program, magnet school, or an Academies of Louisville school in your network. No, you do not need to apply if either of these things is true: Your child is continuing at the same school as last year, and you have not moved.
