jcu parent portal

by Flo Mante 10 min read

What is the JCU gateway?

What is JCU Gateway? Your JCU Gateway is your personalized admitted student portal. With in your JCU Gateway you'll find a list of important dates, information about upcoming events, a link to access your financial aid award (when it becomes available), and more. It is a resource that you'll want to be sure to access regularly.

Who is the property of the John Carroll University System?

This system is the property of John Carroll University (JCU). Access to this system is for authorized JCU persons only. All data contained on this system, JCU servers, JCU owned storage devices, or transmitted over the JCU network is the property of JCU, and can be monitored, searched, or seized by authorized personnel if necessary.

What is JCU's policy on the use of confidential data?

No confidential data should be removed from the confines of JCU information systems withou t the express approval of authorized personnel. The use of JCU property for illegal activities, including but not limited to the downloading of copy righted media, is strictly prohibited.


What is the Center for Career Services?

The Center for Career Services seeks to inspire and support a campus community that helps students and alumni make career-related decisions, develop their skills to achieve their goals, and connect to opportunities.

Does JCU make you more employable?

Every college will promise to prepare you for a career, and John Carroll definitely will too. But that’s where most of them stop. JCU, on the other hand, won’t just make you more employable; it will help you become a better person."

Is JCU a property?

All data contained on this system, JCU servers, JCU owned storage devices, or transmitted over the JCU network is the property of JCU, and can be monitored, searched, or seized by authorized personnel if necessary.

Is JCU a prohibited site?

The use of JCU property for illegal activities, including but not limited to the downloading of copy righted media, is strictly prohibited. The installation and/or use of software not expressly owned by or granted for use to JCU is also strictly pro hibited.
