jefferson county school parent portal

by Ernestina Lang Sr. 3 min read

What is the parental access portal?

The portal lets parents view their child's records anywhere, anytime. In response to the privilege of accessing the site, every parent is expected to act in a responsible, ethical, and legal manner. The portal is available to every parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the JCPS District.

What is the JCPS Parent Portal policy for parents and guardians?

Parents/Guardians will not attempt to harm or destroy data of their own child, of another user, of the school district network, or from the Internet through the JCPS Parent Portal. Parents/Guardians will not use the JCPS Parent Portal for any illegal activity, including violation of Data Privacy laws.

How can I find information about transportation services in JCPS?

Find out which bus your child will ride, and locate the stops closest to you. You also can get general information on JCPS transportation services. The Nutrition Services Department offers an array of information on school meals.

What is the JCPS school finder and how does it work?

The JCPS School Finder is an online tool that shows you which schools serve your home address. You also may want to learn about the district's school choices and check out specific school websites.


Family Portal

Beginning in December 2021, the Infinite Campus Parent Portal will replace much of the functionality that Jeffco Connect used to provide, specifically maintaining and updating contact information, paying fees, and completing the registration process each year.


Forgot your student or parent password? Parents/guardians should visit our Personal Account Manager to recover or reset their usernames and passwords. Students should use the student password reset tool.


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Providing for the Diverse Needs of All Learners

Welcome to Jefferson County Schools! We are the second-largest school district in Alabama serving over 36,000 students in 57 different schools located throughout Jefferson County. Our vision is to be characterized by the use of best practices resulting in effectively providing for the diverse needs of all learners.

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2022-2023 Pre-K Registration for JEFCOED schools

Pre-K applications are available from Tuesday, January 18, 2022 to Friday, March 4, 2022 for select sites. Click the link above to learn more.
