jh bruns parent portal

by Julio Von 8 min read

How many students are in JH Bruns Collegiate?

J.H. Bruns Collegiate is a secondary school in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada established in 1972. It has approximately 790 students in Senior 1 - 4. It offers a varied curriculum with a total of 130 courses.

What is Parent Portal?

WHAT IS PARENT PORTAL? The PowerSchool Parent Portal enables parents and students to access real‐time information about student progress in school.

Why choose JH Bruns?

Overall, J. H. Bruns strives to accommodate students of different levels of ability. The school has now evolved from assuming that all students should be prepared for university entrance, to a reality that some students would better utilize their talents in other educational endeavours.

What is the Louis Riel Parent Portal?

The Louis Riel School Division launched our parent portal last year. The goal of the parent portal is to provide you with a comprehensive on-line information site about your child’s learning environment.


How to set up an authorized user account at Johns Hopkins?

1. In the email, click the Complete Authorized User Account Set Up link. You may or may not be presented with the Johns Hopkins Sign In page. If so, enter your email address and click Next. 2. Sign In: Enter your email address, click Next. On the next screen, enter the password for that email address, click Next.

Can a parent give access to a student's J card?

Students can set up an account for a parent or guardian which gives them access to their schedule, grades, billing, financial aid, and J-Card information. If you require access to any of these features, you must get your student to grant the access.

What is the Parent Portal?

Students may use Parent Portal to stay on top of their grades and assignments; parents may use the Portal to review their child's attendance, grades and assignments, school bulletins and messages from the teacher. Teachers may also use Parent Portal to communicate directly with parents about student progress.

How does Parent Portal work?

Parent Portal is accessible through any web browser, as well as through a mobile app. Students can access their own class information, while parents can create a single account that enables them to view the progress of multiple children, even if they attend different schools.


The school was named after Brother Joseph H. Bruns S.M., who had a lengthy and renowned career as an educator in St. Boniface. He served as Superintendent for twelve of his thirty-six year career. The school opened its doors to students in the suburb of Southdale in September 1972.


In its early years, J. H. Bruns experienced some growing pains. During this phase, the school had a differentiated staffing model. In this model, the staff was committed to an open area and team teaching approach.

Present: Inclusion

This brought J. H. Bruns to another distinct period in its history. The administrators at the helm were:
