jmp parent portal

by Junius Halvorson 4 min read

What is Parent Portal?

WHAT IS PARENT PORTAL? The PowerSchool Parent Portal enables parents and students to access real‐time information about student progress in school.

What's new in JMP 2021-2022?

JMP Student Handbook 2021-2022 Maschio's Food Service Information Mobile Device Insurance Information NJ Social and Emotional Learning Standards (SEL)(opens in new window/tab) NJ State Learning Standards Response to Intervention (RTI)(opens in new window/tab) Parent Portal FAQs(opens in new window/tab) School Calendar School Hours

What is the JCPS Parent Portal policy for parents and guardians?

Parents/Guardians will not attempt to harm or destroy data of their own child, of another user, of the school district network, or from the Internet through the JCPS Parent Portal. Parents/Guardians will not use the JCPS Parent Portal for any illegal activity, including violation of Data Privacy laws.

Do I need More than one portal account for each child?

Each parent only needs one portal account, regardless of the number of children enrolled or their grade levels. If you can't see all your children, please contact the school of the child you don't see.


Why SKP?

There are many sources of information across the Internet for those seeking to learn about statistical concepts.

Why Statistics?

Statistics is more than just math, and it's more than just a collection of methods to analyze data; statistics provides a way to think about the world in a principled fashion, to interpret the outcomes of events unfolding before us, to see the structure of things amidst the prevailing noise and randomness of our reality.

What is the Parent Portal?

Students may use Parent Portal to stay on top of their grades and assignments; parents may use the Portal to review their child's attendance, grades and assignments, school bulletins and messages from the teacher. Teachers may also use Parent Portal to communicate directly with parents about student progress.

How does Parent Portal work?

Parent Portal is accessible through any web browser, as well as through a mobile app. Students can access their own class information, while parents can create a single account that enables them to view the progress of multiple children, even if they attend different schools.

What is the JCPS parent portal?

The JCPS Parent Portal (run by Infinite Campus) allows you to track your child’s academic progress and develop a partnership with your child’s teachers. Infinite Campus is a secure and convenient way to monitor your child’s attendance, assignments, daily grades, and class schedule as well as bus and health information.

Who can access the JCPs portal?

The portal is available to every parent/guardian of a student enrolled in the JCPS District. Parents/Guardians are required to adhere to the following guidelines: Parents/Guardians will not share their password with anyone, including their child.
